>The world's most evil man
But who controls him?
>Why did Rumsfeld make the announcement?
>Surely, he was DS and was in on the 9/11 ruse.
>Why bring attention to the missing funds?
Don't they HAVE to tell us?
Part of the satanic bullshit that they think they derive their power from?
>Crickets contain more protein than beef…
So the next time we eat lobster or crab legs we should eat the exoskeletons (chitin) also?
Fck off with that Klaus Schwab sht!
>tick, tock…
Growing up we were told that politicians don't make a lot of money but they do it because they are patriotic.
What they didn't tell us is that they are all for sale and if you could just buy one you could become wealthier than any of your expectations.
ChYna figured it out right out of the gate when Nixon visited in 1971 and 50 years later they are on the verge of running the world.