and tehn teh look i got from BLONDE CASINO TWEAKER and i knew to WATERGATE mahBCAKCHANNEL foRUSHINinvades
and tehn mah POLELAND got teh WATERGATE up teh MOSES VOLCANO till UKrained out mah border
tehn mah manscaped buffet lurched MANDALAY BAY in search fo BLONDE CASINO TWEAKER HOm00
i was teh MOIST in child traffickkkker shekels and smelled of goebelle and edelberries meta
SOON i knew teh CASINO TWEAKER BLONDE would /b/ tehRUSHINmah OVAL office till XENU MILK gushed out
no longer would i /b/ quack cuck juwpacabra caught again but rather a HILLARY.jpeg cross dressed loser
if only CASINO TWEAKER BLONDE would shove turkey feathers up mah vote machine and call me tendies
i'm house broken @donald
butt then but then butt then
i made goat love in a foreign land
we was cruzin fo goys in teh middle east during cold war propoganda launderings
when suddenly
i met
goat love
goat love really flattered earth flat texas taxes donkey show politics
now being a child traffickkker tweaker bigot in the closet bout goat love was teh hard
tehn our cult published teh moses volcano doucheing bible
we recruited ass apple and gerbil windows to fraud microchips all hard
like a crackhead nazi gpa
we quickly learned unrequited doxxing was teh cure for compounding ouRR teh frauds
and then we all shared teh goat
run ,=,e run
it took goat homo to fill teh void BLONDE CASINO TWEAKER left in mah border vote
and then we branded our own rage spam
and then aaron and joshua taught juws to sell idols
elite goat homo opens NAMBLA island wiff coCIAne barge money from Frudeau gets meet at chucky cheese