People drink the vaxx, then shit it, then Public Health officials find it on the sewage at the treatment plant and declare an emergency, that is fake, and that they created.
Wipe your chin, you're drooling all over.
"Christendom" is Kingdoms. The very notions you cling to are what you are a slave to.
You spout religious propoganda while rejecting the very religious structure of a kingdom, while yet demanding your government kings enforce your chosen style of "morality" over others.
The Utopia of a Mom + Dad + 2.2 kids + dogโฆis fiction. While you may idealize it, it may not factually reasonable for you neighbor to live the same "Utopia". Love your neighbor.
Without relying on "religion" explain what it means to "believe in God"?
No, explain why YOUR definition is the only acceptable definition?
Kek, you idiots have been trusting in your slave-god for thousands of years while the elites feed off of your children.
You don't know what's "best" for me.
Maybe those who star in porn don't have the same false ideas of "morality" as you. Maybe they're already awake?
Oh Lort, you're a funny shill.
Your invective harms me not because you know not of what you speak.
And yet you celebrate his torture and murder.
Dying and rising gods are not unique to Christianity.
To name a few, are dying and rising Gods.
And, you're not persecuted. You have the right to practice your beliefs and don't even have to pay taxes on them, unlike those who worship using non-Christian sacraments which are widely banned by threat of imprisonment.
What gives you the idea that "sexuality" is bestowed by the state on a human at age 18?
Oh, I know this one. Religious mind-control.
What do you really know of Yahweh?
Why does the pied-piper known as Swordy thrust a weapon of steel in the sky each morning?
Yahweh is the ancient Phoenician Canaanite God of metallurgyโฆwhich the Hebrews "used" to buy their freedom amd subjugate their neighbors.
Fucking feels good. It sometimes results in babies.
Hocus pocus religious bullshit
If you carry the burden of saving humanity from depopulation, you'd better get to fucking and raising kids. If you don't then why do you care so much how other people fuck?
Level all the ignorant and uneducated criticism at me you want. You won't suddenly re-brainwash me into believing your nonsense again.
Or, maybe, you could read some books and educate yourself? But, far be it from me to tell you how to live your life.
Systems of control and sex, the Augustinian method.
I have an ancestor, who, in the 1930s went to jail for having sex with a woman he wasn't married to.
Tell me moar about how slavery is freedom, Pastor.
Satan = The Adversaryโฆlike an accuser of wrongdoing, who wants to sic the State on his neighbor for "living wrong".
They're saying you can be an atheist as long as you abide by the laws of the Hebrews as interpreted by the Christians.
Oh, true. I think a lot of unhappy brainwashed people just want to see others equally unhappy, because how dare an uppity nigger have something i don't have.
It's like the experiment with yhe monkeys, the bananas, the ladder, and the spray of water.
Eventually all the monkeys keep all the other monkeys from reaching the banana, and they don't even know why they are doing it.
It funny that you see the world as divided into either mindlessly obeying the Church/State/Beast or practicing freewill (cavorting with Lucifer).
Why are their so many gay priests? Because Catholic society has no other place for "the gays". It's a prison for those who don't fit a man-made mold.
Enjoy your child/human sacrifice religion without me.
I'll be over here with the rest of Satan's rejects, not eating flesh and drinking blood.
The Bible is corrupted
The teachings are corrupted
The doctrine is corrupted
The dogma is corrupted
Why people can't see the details like you elucidated and see how they have toyally twisted His message into pro-slavery King worship is mindboggling.
>as an atonement for sin
And what was that "sin". Taking the first-born and killing them as a sacrifice to God.
God never asked for any sacrificesโฆall that shit is man-made by the priests to profit them and the king that kept them safe in their temples.
Bill, you're filtered, because as a free man, I will not kneel before your throne. Even if it costs me my life.
Rev 22
The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him
Accusations? Your little guide for how to be a good servant to Satan tells us YOUR God is a fan of baby slaughter, rape & slavery.
The Gospels were selected fictions "named" and canonized by men of the cloth for the Vatican. Paul, who wrote 14 of the NT books never even met Jesus. Not a single word in that book was even penned by "your" God.
Utter rubbish.
Oh, indeed. First-fruitsโฆand the Divine, church approved doctrine of Prima Nocta.
The herd is a "safe-space" and the sheep dogs are often the biggest threat to the loners. But, you are a human, not a sheep, sheepdog or wolf. You see the killing-pens for the abomination that they are. Be strong, you're not alone.
Great reminder of what happens to people who don't obey the King's corrupt laws.
Funny how the "Future is Pro-Trump" shills convientely forget how many were murdered and permanently injured by his miracle swamp juice for a 99.8% surviveable illness, that he took millions from Big Pharma to promote.
Trump saved Hillary from jail and his supporters all cheered.
Why is possession of flowers a crime?
But why are Russian Nazis caging people like animals for possession of flowers? Maybe they don't want free-thought either?
It was to protect the children, and the elderly, for the greater good.
Slavery is freedom.
Hmm, i don't get your drift.
The only way to save lives was to let doctors kill their patients? In what reality is a secret Cabal of Trump, government, MI, and Big Pharma secretly killing people preferable to open conflict?
It's interesting that you can be so callous towards those who chose to feed their children, when faced with an impossible choice, after thousands of years of brainwashing and indoctrination and exempt the murders from responsibility.
Less than 1000 people had to choose between fighting for the Tsar or siding with the Bolsheviks.
Faulty comparison. Oh, and this time the Bolsheviks and the Government are on the same team killing peasants.
And the killing is continuing for years now.