im with you, i just lean to positive vibes. life is better over here.
negative shit=satan, devil, evil.
im with you, i just lean to positive vibes. life is better over here.
negative shit=satan, devil, evil.
who am i to judge :)
but put some negativity on someone else, cause pain or suffering, etc. I can get wound up about that. maybe thats hypocritical but necessary.
misery loves company….
true strength/intelligence is rising up above it all and leaving that negativity behind.
a positive entity says, good for you jesus, go get it! do great things!
a negative entity says, fuck you nigger, you fraud, etc….
2 types of people, simple as that.
totally agree but why use that as the symbol for it, could be all those things you mentioned but has no relation.
the cross has a more direct correlation to death and suffering, a warning…. which is what they really meant by creating the cross as a symbol…. why not an angel or dove or fish…..