He was scared then, he remains scared now.
[Free Speech Systems, LLC] = foreign intelligence front to divide conservatives in America.
Pedophiles hate getting exposed so they try to hide behind a dialectic of "Jews and Christians" and project their pedophilia onto religion hoping the people will deflect attention away from the pedophiles.
They tried to use muh covid disinfo as the foot in the door.
Vaccine-gate has launched, so they have no more foot to censor.
There is no pathway to successfully redefining the language, defending and legally implementing (for cover) the practise of pedophilia.
>Why do you call pedophilia a practice.
Because it is an action against children.
>That's a fallacious statement.
Attempts to REDEFINE the language surrounding pedophilia have failed.
I reject your 'fallacious statement' as ITSELF fallacious.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/13/2017 23:35:55 ID: 267271
8chan/cbts: 92710
โDocuments from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under thePresidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.โ
Shockingly quiet.
No leaks?
Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.
Review the law.
What is different re: Hussein's PL?
Who controls?
These people really are stupid.
Too easy
Kek, Q team is observing the illegal leaks in real time.
Implement stale cringe "Wrap up smear" tactic!
BrEaKiNg nEwS: sOuRcEs sAiD sOmEtHiNg aBouT sOmEtHiNg thAt We bELieVe mAkeS tRuMp lOoK bAd! LOoK hErE, nOt ThErE!
Since some ideas introduced into action are so evil, the practitioners implement a totally separate dialectic of thesis and antithesis, hoping that the world will trust that as the only logic to which any synthesis is to be had, thus covering up and hiding the original evil ideas that then get introduced into action while the world is distracted with the manufactured thesis and antithesis logic.
Consider a time before the Enlightenment that regarded human beings as characteristically unfit to participate or have access to true reality as it is, meaning including the truth about the introductions of manufactured dialectic by those who controlled the narrative behind an information firewall.
Consider pre-digital age physical infrastructure housing all information that could be kept under monopoly control by those imposing the information firewalls.
Now consider the digital battlefield in 2022.
Consider what OPEN SOURCE FREE FLOW OF DIGITAL INFORMATION would bring about when 'legacy' code of 'old guard' dialectic 'contradictions advanced as truths' information objects are introduced into that system, and how those introductions are SEEN OUTSIDE THE DIGITAL SYSTEM in the minds of people, via feedback loops of the whole information set iterating on itself, where the introductions of inconsistencies become 'KNOWN AS SOURCED FROM KNOWING SOURCES OF DECEPTION' via pattern recognition of the logic of the narrative.
Then consider what happens to finite (incomplete) human minds that seek 'completeness' in controlling ALL the outputs of the narrative by designing a finite system intended to have complete informational dominance.
Mathematically, logically, necessarily, deterministically, such human minds MUST invoke an inconsistent system, and all inconsistent systems will mathematically, logically, necessarily, deterministically, output EVERY STATEMENT AS 'PROVED TRUE', thus rendering that system totally and completely useless as a source of intelligence outputting statements in fidelity with reality as it is.