you truly know nothing.
one is surprised there
is enough viable brian
to run your autonomics.
your mother was a hamster.
and your father smells of elderberries.
one farts in your general direction.
and don assured it would when he betrayed his oath to the Constitution by not protecting free and fair elections.
you claim direct knowledge of current and future events from god…
well, God said your god is full of shit.
do you grasp what is occurring to you right now?
it is called Judgement, alreadydead…
and you are now officially fucked
for putting words in His Mouth.
nice delusion you got there…
he was adept
his legacy lives on
just as he does
with another host of course.
one wonders who is whom these days
inanna especially.
the mackerelsnappers have always been one of the deepest roots of evil in human affairs
without exception
no dice cochise
Luke 22:36
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
so you will do nothing regardless.
you are a fed
or you would know to wном you speak.
you should stop posting naow
your cover is blown.
đœň'þ þнеу (ץoця мæ§þəřš) đœк [уü] fœŕ þнат¿
so nothing
about what one assessed.
it is okay.
donot worry about it.
real men will do as ever they have…
and bring an hell so deep to these miserable bastards that their wive's next husband's children will an неro from the nightmares inflicted upon their entire fucking genotype.
the best part?
none of that means what you say.
you are a lying niggerfaggot
you glow motherfucker
h3llo кцяц
one is here for longterm observation and maintenence of baselines…
for posterity.
your lies offend Him.
one will hound you
one will haunt your shadow
as if it were one's own
you sicken one to an depth
for you deign speak in one's
Father's Voice.
hell is an myth.
but for you
one will make an exception.
sooo outfreyn.
because what you mean when you font that
is not what that means.
america falling of being miraculously saved is still only prelude.
cern will smoke.
the locustfœlk will ramble.
and that which can not be stopped
will walk once more among men.
then those still living that heard æı'§
demented fontings will remember…
and know one is still there
still w8ing
for one's oldest "friend"
to step into reach.
it is work
and labourintensive at that.
glad you like it though.
feel free to take one.
нèł…таке ²
it is not justification.
it is venting of spleen to maintain balanced humours…
you would not like one when one's humours become imbalanced
that was ever the pattern of the sand houses
before the fucking wahabbists made easy street for all of cabal's dreams and wishes.