Attention Q Team and Space Force;
About 3 days ago there was a post with CNN stating that they were going to spray the atmosphere with salmon flavored chemicals to combat rabies. We know this is BS excuse and their goal is salmonella poisoning for the populace. This bacteria causes all types of gasto-intestinal, respiratory, and skin infections. This is there multi-million dollar Bio-weapon scam and must end immediately. Most people are insensitive and do not notice these things but I can assure you for the last three days just in my area there are no more birds yet it is still 80 degrees out. I want Space Force to monitor any and all bio engineering/chem trail planes and take real time samples from the air and if harmful toxins are detected I want you to order these planes fly out to a remote area or large body of water and "Light them up". This will end this BS real quickly and no one else will apply for these positions ever again. Do not feel guilty they are already killing thousands of people by putting into the hospitals where their cronies are doing quick work of them. The cost of two or three lives on one of these toxin chemical trailers is worth tens of thousands of innocent lives.
We want to see the results in the news as a form of justice. Thank you for your service and saving Americans from cowardly criminals.