At least Ebot was entertaining occasionally. This one is like inflamed hemorrhoids on a long drive.
Don't remember that one. I was off here for a little while after my job started jacking my work schedule all over the place. There for a while a 60 hour week was a slow one.
Better find a deep hole to hide out in for a while then.
I can add shit posting on an obscure anonymous image board to your list of accomplishments
I hung out here on Nightshift from almost the very beginning, half chan days. Seen a ton of shit. I was here for LDR's smackdown and many, many other notables.
Got a new job and have to be up at 5 AM so I'm not usually around this late anymore.
Carry On without me.
Can't find my original one, have a new version.
I made that one way back when I caught Q testing comms.
Do you have a purdy mouth and do you hear banjo music in the distance?
Gnite you faggots.
Stay out of canoes.