Anonymous ID: 3eebb8 June 14, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.1751004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IG Summary pp. 220-227


Strzok and Page played a role in revising Comey's HRC statement to "extremely careless."


The 6/7/16 draft deleted the statement that the "sheer volume of information classified as Secret supported an inference of gross negligence," replacing it by saying that the Secret info was "especially concerning because all of these emails were housed on servers not supported by full time staff." It also changed "reasonably likely" to "possible" about foreign actors accessing HRC's server.


Comey tried to deflect responsibility from himself regarding these changes, and danced all around trying to excuse them.


Comey's 6/12/16 draft used "extremely careless" and tried to explain/excuse why a "reasonable prosecutor" would not prosecute HRC.


Between 6/25/16 and 7/4/16, the statement was revised again to state that HRC used her personal server while on the territory of traditional adversaries, including talking to Obama. Then the Obama reference was dropped.


Comey claimed that the tarmac meeting "tipped the scales" in delivering his statement "separate and apart" from the Department. He worried, as did Strzok/Page in emails, that everything would "appear choreographed."


Comey told the OIG that he criticized HRC's uncharged conduct so that the American people would have confidence in the justice system.


Privacy Act compliance was an issue for Comey. He also cited Lerner at IRS not being charged as support for the HRC decision. "Poor judgment," they said.


The OIG found that Comey's law professor friend was Dan Richmond.

Anonymous ID: 3eebb8 June 14, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.1751032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1749507 pb

>>1749302 pb

>>1748790 pb

>>1749114 pb

>>1749758 pb


Anon review of OIG Report pp.81-100 14June2018 (continued)



DoJ prosecutors were very concerned that Obama's comments on 60 Minutes made it sound like the WH was involved in the FBI's investigation. So Toscas emailed the FBI team to assure them that their investigation would not be influenced by WH statements.

Toscas said Press Secretary Earnest's "goofy" and "ridiculous" statements created a perception of political bias.

DoJ prosecutors' [unnamed!] only WH interactions were with WH Counsel for classification review of documents in a WH SAP, and to interview a NSA staffer.

Prosecutor 1 [unnamed!] was not aware of any DoJ contacts with WH Counsel or WH staff.

From Laufman's notes: a prosecutor [unnamed!] contacted the WH Counsel's office to ask about Press Sec Earnest's comments; discussions of the classification review and NSA staffer interview were limited to a small group of people; and nothing "the prosecutors" (who?) had discussed with WH Counsel's office would be known to Earnest. [Ed.: They are trying very hard to distance themselves from Earnest and his remarks; trying intensely to quash any suspicious of political bias.]



Lynch, testifying at the Senate Judiciary Committee on 3/9/16, denied discussing the investigation with Obama or anyone in the WH. Said no one from DoJ briefed Earnest or anyone at WH about this or any other law enforcement matters. Doesn't know where Earnest got his info.

Lynch told the OIG that Newman told WH Comms Office that Earnest's comments were inappropriate and needed correction. She didn't feel Earnest's comments were an effort to influence the investigation though. She said WH Counsel acknowledged Earnest was inappropriate.

Then Obama again commented publicly in a Fox interview 4/10/16, saying

…while Clinton was “careless” in managing emails as Secretary of State,

she would never intentionally endanger U.S. security with her emails.

…that he would not interfere in FBI’s investigation into her private email server.

Obama: “I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the F.B.I.—not just in this case, but in any case.”



one more tranche coming