Anonymous ID: 2468fb Sept. 5, 2022, 10:16 p.m. No.17503886   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I agree with both above. Constitutionally speaking, the Federal Government KNOWS it has no right to ANY police powers.

These powers are unenumerated.

These are reserved to the states and people respectively.

THAT is why it is called the FBI and NOT the FBP.

They can investigate, so they claimed.

If they want the power to police the public in any state, they need to amend the Constitution like they had to do for prohibition, because they did not have prohibition power either.


It took a Constitutional amendment for the FEDs to give themselves the right to prohibit alcohol. They used this to create the ATF.

Policing "alcohol" suddenly conveniently gave them to right to police tobacco and firearms?

Policing firearms is against the second amendment at the Federal Level for sure. Tobacco is not even illegal. How stupid is this? It's just an excuse to attack Americans of the many states for "taxes" which can not be collected by a private trust fund called the IRS, and must be apportioned per capita THROUGH THE STATES according to the constitution.

Imagine the states collecting federal taxes, and telling the feds what they have to do to get "their funds" as required in the Constitution.


But muh 16th amendment????


American citizens at NO TIME …. EVER…. so desparately wanted to be taxed by the FEDS, that they clamored for the 16th Amendment.

What a fraudulently passed amendment.

Look into the history of the fraud here. Outrageous.

But I digress….

Here are some more fun questions:

Since the Constitutional amendment was repealed after prohibition, one has to ask:

Why was ATF not abolished with the law that allowed it to exist? Is the ATF not also automatically repealed?


What the hell gives any federal worker the right to police a drug war?

State powers must go back to the states.

Three letter agencies that have usurped the powers of the states must be dismantled.

The only Constitutionally recognized "police force" that I can think of is the Sheriffs office, because this is the only police force head that is elected to defend citizens against tyranny of the state.


I would like to thank all Sheriffs who have decided to protect elections by investigating fraud everywhere citizens have found it.



