May the Universe send him the cheapest ink pen and most yucky annoying watercorlor india ink in pint sized bottles that Leak in your pocket. heh.
heh when it says Libbys Libbys Libbys on the Label Label Label you will like it like it like it on the table table table
have you done the obvious and ask shriners what it means? What did they tell you?
That statue don't look evil to me.
isn't there some better targets in the world right now. like CPS..
He did, find Youngston, Ohio zipcode +4 to get past his electronic warfare and sent him email.
What do you mean Confront and Kill?
. . .
I appreciate your commitment to the issues that affect our community and our country.
You will receive a letter in reply to this issue as soon as possible.
If you are in need of immediate assistance concerning a personal casework issue, please call my Warren District Office at 330-373-0074.
Tim Ryan
Member of Congress
Ask him what he means confront and kill.
2.The Special Master shall review all of the MyPillow Products seized during the execution of a court-authorized search warrant onthe Hardee's Drive thru premise (the “Seized MyPillow Products”). The specific duties of the Special Master are as follows and will include all powers necessary to carry out these duties:
Listening to the Press secretary is Torture. I want reperations damn it.
(na) what would the purpose be?
Reality Now meet the PMH coil