Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 6:30 p.m. No.17593512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

pb“Jewish Taliban Cult” in the dailymail, how does Jewish and Taliban work together. Weird



I’m so skeptical of what I read, I can imagine the exact opposite being true, the boy was rescued from an abusive father. Why is the Mossad involved? And Taliban?

Although I know nothing about this organization, it still feels sketchy.


What’s the deal with the left flinging around the word “cult” in the last couple of years? Its an easy smear and no one can challenge it, because no one knows anything about this group.


Anons, you’ve made me skeptical of everything and almost everyone, its all your fault I came up to a higher level of awareness & consciousness 😂

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 6:57 p.m. No.17593681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3716 >>3781 >>3788 >>3876 >>4019 >>4029 >>4118

27 Sep, 2022 21:32

US praised for Nord Stream explosion


“Thank you USA,” said Poland’s former defense and foreign minister Sikorski

While the US, Russia and most European governments reserved judgment as to who might be behind Monday’s explosion that damaged both Nord Stream pipelines and cut off Germany from Russian gas, former Polish minister and member of the European Parliament Radoslaw Sikorski had no such qualms.


“Thank you USA,” Sikorski tweeted on Tuesday, alongside a photo of the massive gas leak in the waters of the Baltic Sea. Both pipelines were severely damaged off the coast of the Danish island of Bornholm, in what everyone is now calling a deliberate act.


Sikorski later tweeted, in Polish, that damage to Nord Stream means thatRussia will have to “talk to the countries controlling the Brotherhood and Yamal gas pipelines, Ukraine and Poland” if it wishes to continue delivering gas to Europe. “Good work,” he concluded.


Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 lost all pressure on Monday, after what the Swedish and Danish authorities later said were a series of undersea explosions. The first pipeline was operating at reduced capacity after what Russia said were technical difficulties, while the second was fully pressurized but not operational, due to German refusal to certify it.


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wondered if Sikorsky’s tweet amounted to an “official statement that this was a terrorist attack.” Meanwhile, Moscow’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, thanked Sikorski for “making it crystal clear who stands behind this terrorist-style targeting of civilian infrastructure!”


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki didn’t go quite as far as Sikorski, but chose to describe the Nord Stream incident as “an act of sabotage, related to the next step of escalation of the situation in Ukraine.”


Not just any MEP, Sikorski is a former UK citizen and a fellow at numerous US and NATO think-tanks, as well as Poland’s former defense (2005-2007) and foreign minister (2007-2014). In October 2014, he was caught fabricating a claim about Russian President Vladimir Putin wanting to partition Ukraine with Warsaw, and was forced to recant.


Sikorski called Russia a “serial rapist” in January 2022 and in June told Ukraine’s Espreso TV that NATO had the right to give Kiev nuclear weapons. He is married to American pundit Anne Applebaum, who is also an outspoken foe of Russia.


While Sikorski thanked the US for the Nord Stream sabotage, Kiev blamed Russia. President Vladimir Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podoliak called it a “a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards EU,” arguing the best response would be sending German tanks to the Ukrainian army.


Ukraine did it, they point mines in the seas around Ukraine in Russia so they have the capability of intreferring with the pipeline. The polish people are drawing attention from Ukraine by saying “Thank You USA”, so they get everyone believing it. It sure is possible Brandon did but he’d be messing with a world super power, this more like the little rat Zelensky and Azov plans.The dead give away is ukraine says Russia blew up their own pipelines

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 6:56 p.m. No.17593682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3819

27 Sep, 2022 21:32

US praised for Nord Stream explosion


“Thank you USA,” said Poland’s former defense and foreign minister Sikorski

While the US, Russia and most European governments reserved judgment as to who might be behind Monday’s explosion that damaged both Nord Stream pipelines and cut off Germany from Russian gas, former Polish minister and member of the European Parliament Radoslaw Sikorski had no such qualms.


“Thank you USA,” Sikorski tweeted on Tuesday, alongside a photo of the massive gas leak in the waters of the Baltic Sea. Both pipelines were severely damaged off the coast of the Danish island of Bornholm, in what everyone is now calling a deliberate act.


Sikorski later tweeted, in Polish, that damage to Nord Stream means thatRussia will have to “talk to the countries controlling the Brotherhood and Yamal gas pipelines, Ukraine and Poland” if it wishes to continue delivering gas to Europe. “Good work,” he concluded.


Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 lost all pressure on Monday, after what the Swedish and Danish authorities later said were a series of undersea explosions. The first pipeline was operating at reduced capacity after what Russia said were technical difficulties, while the second was fully pressurized but not operational, due to German refusal to certify it.


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wondered if Sikorsky’s tweet amounted to an “official statement that this was a terrorist attack.” Meanwhile, Moscow’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, thanked Sikorski for “making it crystal clear who stands behind this terrorist-style targeting of civilian infrastructure!”


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki didn’t go quite as far as Sikorski, but chose to describe the Nord Stream incident as “an act of sabotage, related to the next step of escalation of the situation in Ukraine.”


Not just any MEP, Sikorski is a former UK citizen and a fellow at numerous US and NATO think-tanks, as well as Poland’s former defense (2005-2007) and foreign minister (2007-2014). In October 2014, he was caught fabricating a claim about Russian President Vladimir Putin wanting to partition Ukraine with Warsaw, and was forced to recant.


Sikorski called Russia a “serial rapist” in January 2022 and in June told Ukraine’s Espreso TV that NATO had the right to give Kiev nuclear weapons. He is married to American pundit Anne Applebaum, who is also an outspoken foe of Russia.


While Sikorski thanked the US for the Nord Stream sabotage, Kiev blamed Russia. President Vladimir Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podoliak called it a “a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards EU,” arguing the best response would be sending German tanks to the Ukrainian army.


Ukraine did it, they point mines in the seas around Ukraine in Russia so they have the capability of intreferring with the pipeline. The polish people are drawing attention from Ukraine by saying “Thank You USA”, so they get everyone believing it. It sure is possible Brandon did but he’d be messing with a world super power, this more like the little rat Zelensky and Azov plans.The dead give away is ukraine says Russia blew up their own pipelines

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:05 p.m. No.17593763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3772 >>3773 >>3781 >>3788 >>3876 >>4019 >>4029 >>4118

27 Sep, 2022 22:00


Zelensky condemns referendums on joining Russia in Ukraine’s breakaway southeast

The Ukrainian president urged “every country in the world” to face off Moscow


(Once a coke addict, always a coke addict. This rat is insane)


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky firmly rejected the referendums staged in Moscow-held parts of Ukraine’s Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions, as well as in the Lugansk (LPR) and Donetsk (DPR) People’s Republics, on joining Russia.


Speaking during a UN Security Council meeting via a video link on Tuesday, he urged the countries of the world to reject the results. Zelensky also reiterated his threat to stop any contact with Russia should it recognize the results of the referendums.


“Russia’s recognition of these pseudo-referendums as normal, the implementation of the so-called ‘Crimean scenario’ now, another attempt to annex Ukrainian territory, will mean that we will have nothing to talk about with Russian President [Vladimir Putin],” Zelensky stated, urging “every country in the world” to send a strong message against Russia’s actions.


The referendums ran across the Russian-controlled territories of Ukraine’s southeast and the Donbass republics over the past five days. The idea of joining Russia has been overwhelmingly supported by the local population, according to official results announced late on Tuesday.


In Donetsk, some 99.23% of voters supported the idea of reunification with Russia, with Lugansk showing a slightly lower figure of 98.42%. Zaporozhye Region highly supported the idea of splitting from Ukraine and joining Russia, with some 93% of voters backing it. Some 87% have supported this idea in Kherson Region as well.


Zelensky can’t believe people don’t like him so he’s willing to cause WW3 & 4, to get respect. I suspect they are going to do another coup on ukraine and get rid of him.

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:11 p.m. No.17593800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

28 Sep, 2022 00:49


=•EU states criticize Ukrainian ‘welfare tourism’==


German and Polish politicians have pointed out cases of social benefits system abuse


German opposition leader Friedrich Merz found himself under fire on Tuesday for pointing out that some Ukrainians who sought shelter in his country keep going home and back while accepting welfare benefits. Though Merz has apologized, the mayor of Przemysl in Poland – who said much the same thing on Monday – has not.


“We are now experiencing welfare tourism from these refugees: to Germany, back to Ukraine, to Germany, back to Ukraine,”Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Merz told Bild TV on Monday.


His comments drew a flurry of condemnations from the ruling coalition, according to state broadcaster Deutsche Welle. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser of the Social Democratic Party accused Merz of using “Ukrainian women and children” to make a political point, while the parliamentary leader of the Free Democrats Christian Duerr said Merz’s words were “absolutely out of place.”


Faced with such an onslaught, Merz backed down. “I regret the use of the word ‘welfare tourism’. That was an inaccurate description of a problem observed in individual cases,” he tweeted on Tuesday. “Far be it from me to criticize refugees from Ukraine, who are facing a hard fate.”


While Germany has taken in almost a million refugees from Ukraine, Poland is dealing with more than four times that number. Wojciech Bakun is the mayor of Przemysl, a city of some 60,000 right on the Ukrainian border. On Monday, he wrote on Facebook that some Ukrainian refugees were engaged in an “organized system of extorting social benefits.”


“It is impossible not to notice the organized transports of women with children, who have cards with written instructions on the procedures they have to undergo in order to receive material and financial assistance,”Bakun said, describing how they line up outside the government offices every day to get benefits, “then, in an organized transport, they return to Ukraine.”


Many Ukrainian refugees also leave Poland for almost 30 days but then return before that deadline in order to keep their status, according to local outlet Kresy.


Poland has no instruments to prevent this behavior, Bakun complained, and wondered why Warsaw hasn’t yet noticed the problem of “draining the Polish social assistance system.”


Damn it, why did he back down, now the US and EU must support every corrupt citizens of Ukraine, when these citizens are probably remitting money to Ukraine to support the fake war. The money is getting laundered for sure.Socialism is stupid.

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:24 p.m. No.17593892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3908

Anons, some advice from a culprit of doing the same thing, before posting a second time because you got the message “post took too long”, wait a minute or two and check to see if its just in a que.

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:29 p.m. No.17593920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seriously why are you posting this over and over, its an insane idea, unless you provide sauce in a scienced based reference. But even then no ones going to do this.


Do you think anons are that stupid? You’ve never giving any documentation for anyone to consider this. And why are you mixing this with Egyptian statues.


Anons don’t listen to “teeth problem, eat frozen beef guy”

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:33 p.m. No.17593948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Democrats are teaching the children theres no reason to listen or obey laws, especially when the SC just said they cant ban the guns.


notableand send them to ukraine if they dont want to obey the supreme court of the land in the US decisions. Like really, send them all to Kiev or chicken kiev

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:42 p.m. No.17593989   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I thought the same thing.Zelensky and his gang are semi masters of disinfo if they weren’t so obvious. They think the training jackowitz taught them works

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 7:55 p.m. No.17594050   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah Ukraine did it, Russia didnt immigration cone out and say Ukraine did but that what Ukraine did.


Zelensky trying to cause a fissure between US and EU, in one way I hope it works, but they are all so corrupt there’s no way the would turn against US. The EU knows they cant admit the biggest fucking human rights abuse they allowed for the last 9 years on innocent ethnic Russians in Ukraine


Perhaps the whole false tapestry they ate trying to weave us falling apart.


Zelensky is so stupid he thinks blaming Russia makes sense while Russia is losing a major source of their income. And there’s no competent reason why they would destroy their own pipeline.


Hey maybe Zelensky and Poland worked together to plan and do this, that makes sense to me. Zelensky was probably promised a big cut in the profits for their gas pipeline.


Did you notice Russia never says anything until they investigate the situation, and they are waiting til the EU realizes its a terrible idea to support Ukraine. All this stunt will do is have the countries supporting ukraine yo second guess their commitment to nazi terrorists

Anonymous ID: d060f9 Sept. 27, 2022, 8:03 p.m. No.17594105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks but I’ve lost 70% of my portfolio, decided to leave it as it is.


Can you explain more?


I was thinking of buying more of these stocks since they’ve been shattered