Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 11:14 a.m. No.17597432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7653 >>7824 >>7959 >>8078 >>8118

Biden Threatens Conservation Efforts By Appointing Gun Control Activist To Hunting And Wildlife Council

By: Mark Oliva

September 28, 2022

Ryan Busse claims to be a gun industry insider, but he has no interest in advocating for America’s hunters and riflemen.

President Joe Biden’s contempt for lawful gun ownership knows no bounds. His latest move threatens over a century of gains in wildlife conservation just to stick it to the firearm industry, which he once infamously labeled “the enemy.”

The White House appointed gun control activist Ryan Busse to the Hunting & Wildlife Council, an advisory committee that assists the Department of the Interior (DOI) and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) in crafting policies on issues including wildlife conservation, wildlife management and public lands access for hunting, recreational shooting and fishing. Busse was listed as an “unaffiliated” shooting sports adviser.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. Busse is a partisan gun control zealot. He’s an adviser to the Giffords gun control group, which demands a ban on the most popular selling semiautomatic rifle in America today — the Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR). There are more than 24.4 million of these rifles in circulation today, used for lawful purposes including self-defense, recreational target shooting, and — whether Busse wants to admit it or not — hunting.

Don’t expect Busse to advocate for hunters using these rifles on the council. He’s peddling a book, “Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized America.” That’s the book where he takes exception to the firearm industry for producing variants of the AR-frame rifles in response to consumer demand. He claims insider knowledge since he was once a vice president for Kimber Manufacturing. Adoring media fawned over his epiphany that just this one particular type of firearm is “bad” in their views. It plays well at leftist cocktail parties.

It’s also earned him the rebuke of his former employer for dragging the rifle and pistol maker into the fray in which it never wanted to take part.

Politics over Policy

Busse’s claim as an industry executive insider is dubious. Among industry executives, his self-inflated value was vastly overstated. An overwhelming number of executives with decades of experience in the firearm industry had never heard of him. For that matter, neither did I, and I own a Kimber handgun that was manufactured while Busse was still with the company. Busse didn’t rise to attention until he delved into the world of politics.

Busse signed on to be an adviser to President Biden’s 2020 White House campaign. His political alliances didn’t stop there. Busse joined Giffords at the time when David Chipman, former agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) — turned gun control adviser for Giffords — was still under consideration to become ATF director. That nomination didn’t survive the confirmation hearings, and the Biden administration quietly withdrew Chipman’s name. Giffords’ direct attacks against NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, became more pointed and direct….

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 12:01 p.m. No.17597697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7824 >>7834 >>7849 >>7959 >>8078 >>8118 >>8181

Incumbent Mark Kelly Struggles with Undecided Voters

Wendell Husebø

28 Sep 2022

Incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) needs to win undecided voters to defeat Trump-endorsed candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.


Throughout the race, Masters has remained within striking distance of Kelly despite Tuesday’s outlier polling that showed the incumbent up 7 points (49-42 percent). A closer look at the poll revealed 7 percent of the electorate are undecided. The number of undecideds are an important metric in a state where the incumbent has not sealed a majority of support from the electorate.


Newt Gingrich, the former GOP House speaker, wrote an op-ed in Newsweek this month predicting Masters “will defeat” Kelly by a “surprising margin” because Kelly has not convinced a large portion of the undecided voters to vote for him.


“When an incumbent senator is only two points ahead of a challenger who just came out of a tough primary, it is clear the incumbent is vulnerable,” Gingrich analyzed in reference to a Trafalgar Group poll showing Masters just 1.2 percentage points behind Kelly.


“Furthermore, an incumbent who cannot get above 50% is even more vulnerable. James Carville once said a well-known incumbent gets whatever their final poll number is—they don’t get any of the undecideds,” Gingrich continued. “If that is true, Kelly will likely lose 53% to 47%.”


To make matters worse for Kelly, the state of Arizona has an outsized number of independent voters who are not completely sold on Kelly’s alliance with the Biden administration’s open southern border. August was the fifth month in a row in which migrant apprehensions exceeded 180,000 migrants. Nearly 2 million illegal migrants crossed the southern border this fiscal year.

Independent voters, who amount to 1.4 million in Arizona, “have helped push the state from reliably red to tossup, and now make up about a third of the voting population,” the New York Times reported Wednesday.


Independents are breaking for Kelly over Masters by nine percentage points (46-37 percent), according to a recent Emerson College poll. But Kelly’s overall slim lead against Masters shows that Kelly remains vulnerable with 41 more days until election day.

CHANDLER, ARIZONA – AUGUST 02: Republican U.S. senatorial candidate Blake Masters speaks during his election night watch party on August 02, 2022 in Chandler, Arizona.


In the world of politics, six weeks is a long time before an election. It appears Kelly is relying on the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade to remain in the minds of many voters to offset the Kelly’s open border invasion policies.


Kelly is a co-sponsor of a an unpopular pro-abortion bill that would force every state to adopt a new federal abortion standard that would permit abortions without limits.


According to recent polling on the issue, the bill is not very popular with independents.


Fifty-three percent of Arizona voters oppose legislation permitting abortion until birth. Fifty-six percent of independents and 27 percent of Democrats revealed Kelly is less likely to win their vote after learning of Kelly’s radical record on abortion.


On Tuesday, Breitbart News reported Kelly will be exposed by the Women Speak Out PAC for his pro-abortion position with a $1 million ad blitz in Phoenix from September 25 to October 5.

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 12:17 p.m. No.17597767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7824 >>7959 >>8078 >>8118

Exclusive–MAGA Florida House Candidate ‘Improperly Disqualified’ from Ballot, Lawsuit States

Wendell Husebø

27 Sep 2022


Tim Sharp, a conservative fighter and former state House candidate,was “improperly disqualified”from the ballot in House district 19 by the Florida Division of Elections (DOE), a federal complaint filed on August 6 states.


Sharp is suing both the DOE and Florida’s Secretary of State to hold the establishment in Tallahassee, Florida, accountable. Harmeet Dhillon of the Dhillon Law Group, a strong ally of the America First movement, is representing Sharp in the suit.


Sharp told Breitbart Newshe was blocked in June from ballot eligibilitybecause not all of Florida’s institutions are as conservative as Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) office. “This is the next phase of the corruption,” Sharp slammed the Florida establishment uniparty, which he believes prevented him from challenging the presumptive establishment Florida House speaker, State Rep. Paul Renner (R). Establishment Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls and Renner are political allies.


“From the very beginning I knew I was running against a machine,” Sharp stated. “The establishment political groups had made their selection and my candidacy against their chosen future speaker of the house designate was not welcome.”


The lawsuit alleges the DOE “violated Florida law and its own policies to disqualify Sharp based on a determination by DoE employees thatSharp’s qualification check did not appear to be drawn on a campaign account”:


Sharp’s disqualification was not only wrong legally because it violated law and policy, it was wrong factually because Sharp’s check was drawn on his campaign account. … __Despite the clear prohibitions against DoE officials making such determinations themselves–, the DoE violated Florida law and its own policies to disqualify Sharp based on a determination by DoE employees that Sharp’s qualification check did not appear to be drawn on a campaign account.


The lawsuit seeks damages and a “declaratory judgment” that the DOE wrongly blocked Sharp from the ballot and “violated Florida statutory law and Sharp’s rights under the Florida and Federal Constitutions.”


State Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R), who has fought the establishment in Tallahassee, called the lawsuit a needed step to check “RINOS’ deranged effort to keep another freedom fighter from office.”


“This is just one more attack on the people of Florida who are tired of Sprowls and Renner protecting the swamp from being drained. I’m glad to see Tim Sharp fighting back with the Dhillon Law Group,” Sabatini told Breitbart News.


Sharp plans to launch a second campaign in 2024. He is weighing a bid either for state house or U.S. Congress. His website states Sharp is a strong advocate of the second amendment, school choice, medical freedom, the right to life, and term limits.


“I don’t answer to PACs (political action committees) or special interest groups. My special interest has always been the people” Sharp said in a press release.


The case is Timothy Sharp v. Secretary of State of Florida and Florida Division of Elections, No. 3:22-cv-00959 in the United States District Court of Middle District of Florida.

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 12:24 p.m. No.17597814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7823 >>7824 >>7959 >>8078 >>8118

28 Sep, 2022 16:46

Kremlin says Nord Stream explosions ‘a big problem for Russia’


Damage to the natural gas pipelines will bring nothing but ruin for both Russia and EU, says spokesperson Dmitry Peskov

Moscow has denounced as “stupid and absurd” any allegations of it being behind the suspected explosions of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines earlier this week, stating that the incident actually creates many issues for Russia.


Speaking to journalists on Wednesday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov explained that the damage to the pipelines posed a “big problem” for Russia as it had essentially lost its gas supply routes to Europe.


Both lines of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline were pumped full of gas and were prepared to deliver it to Europe at the time of the alleged explosion, said Peskov, adding that “this gas is very expensive and now it is all going up in the air.”


Peskov also noted that neither Russia nor Europe had anything to gain from the destruction of the pipelines, especially Germany, for which this incident poses a threat to the future development of its industry, as well as its profitability and competitiveness.


American LNG suppliers, on the other hand, have been making incredible profits after having multiplied their deliveries to the European continent, Peskov pointed out, adding that these companies are “very interested in maintaining these super-duper profits in the future.”


While no suspects behind the incident have officially been named, the Kremlin spokesperson advised against making any official announcements before a proper investigation into the incident is carried out.


Peskov did, however, draw attention to US President Joe Biden’s statements from early February, when the American leader threatened to “bring an end” to Nord Stream 2. “What the US president meant by that, we don’t know,” admitted the Kremlin official, but highlighted the “borderline insane hysterical-euphoric reaction” of Polish officials who have already thanked Washington for sabotaging the pipeline.


The Kremlin’s response comes after some European and Kiev officials, including President Vladimir Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podolyak, suggested that the attack on the pipeline was a “false flag” operation carried out by Russia in order to make Ukraine look bad and to further drive energy prices up in the EU.


However, after the former Polish FM publicly thanked the US for the apparent sabotage on Twitter, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova urged the EU to treat the US as the possible culprit behind the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines. She said Moscow would call for a UN Security Council session over the incident.


A number of Western nations have repeatedly opposed Russia’s undersea pipelines delivering gas to Europe, both before and after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine. The recently built Nord Stream 2 network, which never went into operation due to Germany’s refusal to certify it, has drawn particular opposition from countries like the US and Poland, which has called for the pipeline to be “totally scrapped.”

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 12:35 p.m. No.17597893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959 >>8078 >>8118

28 Sep, 2022 19:06

Brussels ‘imposes’ anti-Russia sanctions on EU members – Orban

Europeans have had no say in the application of these sanctions but are paying the price, the Hungarian prime minister has said


The EU has forced anti-Russia sanctions upon the people of the bloc’s member states, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Wednesday, as he announced the launch at home of national consultations on the matter.


Brussels did not ask Europeans about their opinion on the sanctions policy but made them pay the price as restrictions it imposed on Russia backfired, Orban said, in a series of posts on Facebook. The EU sanctions introduced over Russia’s military operation in Ukraine “will cause huge damage to Europe,” he warned, adding that the restrictions had already made “Europeans poorer” because of skyrocketing energy prices.


“It is time to get honest about it with our American friends. Until it is too late,” the prime minister said, pointing to the role the US played in the global sanctions campaign against Russia. The sanctions have failed to end the conflict in Ukraine, Orban argued, adding that they also appear to hurt Europe more than Russia.


Hungary is heavily dependent on Russian energy supply. It has also been one of the staunchest opponents of Brussels’ energy sanctions against Moscow and in particular opposed banning imports of Russian oil until it was granted a waiver by Brussels. Budapest still declared a state of emergency over tightening energy supplies this summer.


On Wednesday, Orban confirmed the plans to hold the national consultations on the EU sanctions imposed against Russia, saying that he’d ask “everyone to have their say, because we can only put an end to rising energy prices by acting together.” Hungary is the first EU nation to do so.


The developments come amid an ongoing energy crunch in the EU. Since the start of Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine in late February, gas prices have climbed to record highs in Europe.


In late July, EU member states agreed on a plan to reduce their gas consumption by 15% over the coming months, to increase the bloc’s energy security at a time when it seeks to rid itself of its dependence on Russian energy.


Russia also reduced its gas exports to Europe, citing technical issues related to sanctions the West imposed over Russia’s military action. Massive gas leaks on the Russian Nord Stream pipelines, which have allegedly been a result of a targeted attack, has sent gas prices in Europe further up.


The prices have been climbing up for quite some time, leaving some EU nations, including Germany –the EU’s economic powerhouse– in a bind. In early September, Germany’s largest gas importer, Uniper, requested additional financial aid from the government as it was struggling to replace missing Russian gas supplies despite already receiving billions of euro to cover gas purchases.


The operators of the Large Hadron Collider – the European nuclearresearch center (CERN) – also admitted in September that the ongoing energy crisis threatens the operation of the world’s largest particle accelerator. It could be shut down to decrease the energy consumption burden at peak demand periods, CERN said at that time.


EU is accelerating the fragmentation of their union, countries are not going to stand for it much longer (at least the one that value their citizens)

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 12:45 p.m. No.17597946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959 >>7989 >>8029 >>8078 >>8118

Nolte: ‘Armageddon Time’ Director Hopes Trump Supporters ‘Hate’ His Movie


James Gray, director of the upcoming Armageddon Time, is promoting his Oscar bait by openly hoping Trump supporters hate his movie.


Oh, and in the movie, he trashes Ronald Reagan and (bizarrely) portrays Donald Trump’s parents as villains.


Here’s Gray pre-spinning another box office disappointment, which is all this guy knows how to direct:


[Hollywood Reporter:] Characters are very critical of Reagan in the film. And Donald Trump’s parents appear as menacing presences at your school. Are you worried that your film may alienate those outside of blue state America?


[James Gray:] I didn’t make it for Democrats or Republicans. In some ways, I made it for Republicans. When you’re fighting paycheck to paycheck, it’s easy to say, “What do you mean, white privilege? I don’t feel any fucking privilege.”


[THR:] But certainly you see how the current media landscape weaponizes culture.


[Gray:] My only answer would be that I don’t really care. It’s like saying, “Do you care that Joseph Goebbels has a real problem with your movie?” It’s like, “No, I don’t care.” That’s an excellent enemy to have. I don’t care that Donald Trump doesn’t like it. That man is a vile, destructive force in the country and in the world. And if he hates it or if his acolytes hate it, if Ron DeSantis, Mr. Fucking-Education-Destroying DeSantis wants to hate on my movie, that’s fine with me too (says Joseph Goebbels great grandson).


Once again, we have a filmmaker telling more than half the country: You are not welcome here. I didn’t make this movie to entertain, inspire, move, or even change your mind.No, I made this movie because I hate you and to show you how morally superior I am.


We should give him credit for not hiding this and saving us two hours.


But this is the newest symptom of the woke cancer that devours everything that makes an artist an artist. These people are no longer interested in telling stories about characters we can all relate to or exploring the human condition through themes and sympathetic portrayals. Instead,it’s all divisive propaganda, a big middle finger to those 65 million Trump supporters who keep the world turning. It’s divisive, wealthy, super-privileged elites like Gray preening his moral supremacism, peacocking his virtue to attract unearned reviews and awards from a tiny, corrupt, and insular bubble.


Hollywood just suffered its worst September in 25 years. Why?

Because its three biggest releases of the month — The Woman King, Honk for Jesus, and Don’t Worry Darling — were promoted and advertised as partisan message movies hostile to anyone who is not woke.


Like Gray, they were pre-spinning an excuse for a box office failure, but a noble box office failure. I went down fighting the good fight, so reward me with things I haven’t earned.


James Gray is a middle-aged, heterosexual white guy selling out his art and artistry to prove his purity and not lose his position of privilege in the Brave Woke World.


Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 1:14 p.m. No.17598063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17597855 Russia already said they will not sell any gas or oil to EU, cut it off and sell it to other countries. This woman is evil as can be, they had already determined they couldn't do this. Seriously if EU countries not seeing what's coming for them from her and the council, they better, because her hatred will be turned on the countries soon.

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 1:21 p.m. No.17598100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8107 >>8118

28 Sep, 2022 16:20

Major airline allows male staff to wear skirts

Virgin Atlantic is permitting its personnel to wear any uniform in which they feel comfortable


In a bid to become “the most inclusive airline in the skies,” British Virgin Atlantic scrapped rules on Wednesday requiring its staff to wear gender-specific uniforms.This means male personnel may now wear red skirt suits to work.


The company, which is owned by billionaire Richard Branson, announced that it would update its gender identity policies to “champion individuality,” enabling its employees to wear clothing that “expresses how they identify.”


According to the airline’s press release, personnel are now free to choose any company-approved uniform, “no matter their gender, gender identity or gender expression.” The uniforms have been created for Virgin by British designer Dame Vivienne Westwood.


The updated policies also provide an option for both Virgin Atlantic staff and passengers to wear pronoun badges to make sure they are addressed with consideration for their gender identity.


The airline’s ticketing systems will also allow people with a gender-neutral marker in the passport to use ‘U’ or ‘X’ gender codes on their booking, as well as the gender-neutral title ‘Mx’. This feature, however, is available only in a handful of countries, including the US, India and Pakistan.


In addition, Virgin Atlantic has updated its “trans inclusion policies,” entitling members of this community to time off for medical treatments related to gender transition, and allowing them to choose changing and shower facilities.


The move, however, has been met with criticism by some members of the public who consider the decision to be controversial or even see it as “woke madness.”


The amendment of Virgin Atlantic’s policies comes after major US airlines agreed in July to update their systems by 2024 to enable clients to buy tickets with an “X” gender marker, which means the passenger considers themselves to be neither male nor female.


They are going to cut 50%-60% of their bookings, if you want to be a freak be a freak outside of work.

Anonymous ID: 78db43 Sept. 28, 2022, 1:25 p.m. No.17598121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8144


Thanks for the info. She's gotta lay low right now on the EU, but I have no doubt she and others will start with plans to pivot away from the EU, or demand new leaders in EU, and more participation from the countries. It's a dictatorship right now.