Anonymous ID: 080e0e Oct. 7, 2022, 9:44 p.m. No.17671316   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He fought in the Gulf War, where his unit wiped out 73 Iraqi vehicles within the span of half hour, all while taking zero casualties.


I know a grunt who was in that action. A young 20 yr. old man. He was in the reserves, got called up, served and came home. I was probably the first person he opened up to when he got back. We sat down, oldanon had to explain war to him. Over a 6 month period of interactions I believe he understood what happened and it had nothing to do with him. I was from the 'Nam era so we could relate.


Got to thinking back then about how many young men went through that. I pray for them today.

Anonymous ID: 080e0e Oct. 7, 2022, 9:47 p.m. No.17671623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Sydney councillor received 'bags of cash' in bribes from Chinese developer, ICAC told


A former Sydney councillor has told the anti-corruption watchdog he accepted bribes of $170,000 from a Chinese developer in exchange for his support of two major development proposals.

Key points:


Vincenzo Badalati told ICAC he received cash from a developer as a 'thank you' for voting in support of one project

He and fellow councillor Constantine Hindi also received money ahead of a vote on another project

The inquiry heard both men travelled to China frequently and the developers often paid for their meals


On Tuesday, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) began its public hearings into the conduct of former Georges River councillors Constantine Hindi, Vincenzo Badalati and Philip Sansom as part of Operation Galley.


All three councillors served on Hurstville Council, before it merged with Kogarah Council to form Georges River Council in 2016.


They are alleged to have accepted benefits for helping Chinese developers get planning proposals approved for two major developments in Hurstville — the $29 million Treacy Street project (an 11-storey mixed-use apartment block) and the Landmark Square development (a complex of 19-storey residential buildings).


The projects were by developers Ching Wah (Philip) Uy, Wensheng Liu and Yuqing Liu and required councillors to make exceptions to the seven-storey building restriction in the area.


Former councillor Vincenzo Badalati told the inquiry on Tuesday Mr Uy gave him $70,000 for assisting with the Treacy Street project and another $100,000 for the Landmark Square development.


Mr Badalati detailed the day in 2015 when he met Mr Uy at a coffee shop in Kingsgrove and received $70,000 for the Treacy Street development, which he voted in favour of in 2014.


"He [Mr Uy] got a bag out and handed it to me and said 'thank you for your help on Treacy Street'," Mr Badalati told the inquiry.


"I saw the money when I got home. They were all bundled hundred-dollar notes. I put it in my safe. I told Constantine Hindi."


The other cash gift of $100,000 was handed over at a park in Rhodes in 2016 during a meeting between Mr Badalati, Mr Hindi and Mr Uy.


The money was intended to guarantee the councillors' favourable vote on the Landmark Square development.


"He [Mr Uy] opened his boot and gave us two bags each," Mr Badalati said.


"He said 'thank you for your assistance on Landmark'.


"Some went into the bank and some were spent."

Anonymous ID: 080e0e Oct. 7, 2022, 9:48 p.m. No.17671701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fulton grand jury subpoenas Giuliani, Graham, Trump campaign lawyersAJC is far left

The Fulton County special grand jury investigating potential criminal interference in Georgia’s 2020 elections has subpoenaed key members of former President Donald Trump’s legal team, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to copies obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

In addition toGiuliani, among those being summoned are John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis, all of whom advised the Trump campaign on strategies for overturning Democrat Joe Biden’s wins in Georgia and other swing states.

The grand jury alsosubpoenaed South Carolina U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Trump’s top allies in the U.S. Senate, and attorney and podcast host Jacki Pick Deason.

The subpoenas were filed July 5 and signed off by Fulton Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney(today), who is overseeing the special grand jury. They noted that all seven people were “a necessary and material witness” to the investigation.

Unlike subpoenas issued to Georgians, the summons were required to receive McBurney’s blessing since they are for people who reside outside the state.

The 23-person special grand juryhas heard testimony in recent weeks from a parade of witnesses, including some who had direct contact with Trump and his associates in late 2020 and early 2021. But Tuesday’s subpoenas are the closest jurors have gotten to the Trump campaign or inner circle of the former president.

Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, testified before Georgia legislators in late 2020, showing edited surveillance video of ballots being tabulated at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena. The former New York City Mayor said the tape was a “powerful smoking gun” of election workers pulling out “suitcases” of ballots to count after sending Republican poll watchers home.

Eastman, a former law professor, was a key architect of the plan to press Vice President Mike Pence to reject the official Democratic electors in Georgia and other swing states and opt for an alternative slate of GOP electors. A federal judge in March argued that “it is more likely than not that President Trump and Dr. Eastman dishonestly conspired to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.”

Eastman testified at the same Georgia hearing as Giuliani, during which he argued that there was “more than enough” evidence of fraud and improper conduct to warrant Georgia lawmakers picking an alternative slate of presidential electors.

“I don’t think it’s just your authority to do that,” Eastman said, “but, quite frankly, I think you have a duty to do that to protect the integrity of the election here in Georgia.”

Deason and Ellis also spoke at the same hearing.

Cheseboro worked with the leadership of the Georgia GOP to coordinate a slate of alternate Republican electors, according to his subpoena. The DA’s office said Cheseboro drafted at least two memos in support of the plan and provided a template of documents to the party for its sham ceremony at the Georgia Capitol on Dec. 14, 2020.


Mitchell, a conservative lawyer based in Washington, D.C., advised Trump on the infamous Jan. 2, 2021, call that the Republican placed to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. During that conversation, in which Trump asked Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes, Mitchell aided Trump as he made unsubstantiated claims about Georgia’s elections.


Graham separately called Raffensperger and his staff twice in the weeks following the November 2020 elections “about reexamining certain absentee ballots cast in Georgia in order to explore the possibility of a more favorable outcome for former President Donald Trump,” his subpoena alleges. Graham previously denied wrongdoing.

It may be difficult for Fulton prosecutors to secure testimony from Giuliani, Eastman, Mitchell, Chesebro, Deason and Ellis, since they could argue attorney-client privilege. Eastman sought out the exemption as he sought to block the handover of evidence to the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, though he was largely shot down by a federal judge.


Bob Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, declined to comment and said his client had not been served any subpoena. A spokesman for Graham did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis launched the criminal probe into Georgia’s elections in February 2021, weeks after a recording of the Trump-Raffensperger phone call leaked. She’s since expanded the investigation to include the fake GOP electors, Giuliani’s testimony to state legislators and other efforts to pressure Georgia officials to act in Trump’s favor.


PS never trust a DA with the first name Fani!

Anonymous ID: 080e0e Oct. 7, 2022, 9:49 p.m. No.17671722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats Vow ‘Transformative’ Plan to Add 1M Foreign-Born Residents to U.S. Voter Rolls in 4 Years


Democrats are vowing to implement a “transformative” plan that seeks to add about a million foreign-born residents on green cards to United States voter rolls by securing them naturalized American citizenship.


Former Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) has launched the group “Our Nation’s Future” with support from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) with the goal of helping one million green card-holders gain naturalized American citizenship within the next four years.


Such a goal would ensure that about a million foreign-born residents are likely added to U.S. voter rolls in key swing states, both Gutierrez and Durbin seemingly acknowledged. Gutierrez, specifically, called the plan “transformative” for upcoming elections.


“In America, the overwhelming growth population is Hispanic, and even a conservative Republican can count,” Durbin said during a news conference. “And if they can count they know in future elections, their fate may be decided by those same Hispanic Americans.”


Already, President Joe Biden has instituted a plan that has surged naturalization rates ahead of the 2022 and 2024 elections.


From October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021 about 855,000 green card-holders became naturalized American citizens — the highest annual number of legal immigrants getting naturalized in more than a decade. Put another way, more than 2,300 green card-holders were naturalized every day in Fiscal Year 2021.


Compare that to Fiscal Year 2020, when about 625,400 green card-holders were naturalized. In Fiscal Year 2019, about 844,000 green card-holders were naturalized and the year before that, in Fiscal Year 2018, nearly 762,000 were naturalized.


The last time naturalization rates were this high was in Fiscal Year 2008, when more than a million green card-holders became naturalized American citizens.


Research and the establishment media have consistently admitted that the larger a region’s foreign-born population, the more likely that region is to vote for Democrats over Republicans.


In 2019, for example, The Atlantic‘s Ronald Brownstein found that nearly 90 percent of House congressional districts with a foreign-born population above the national average are won by Democrats. This means every congressional district with a foreign-born population exceeding 15 percent has a 90 percent chance of electing Democrats and only a ten percent chance of electing a Republican.


The Washington Post, the New York Times, the Atlantic, Axios, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal have all admitted that rapid demographic changes spurred by mass immigration are tilting the nation toward a permanent Democrat political majority.


“The single biggest threat to Republicans’ long-term viability is demographics,” Axios acknowledged in 2019. “The numbers simply do not lie … there’s not a single demographic megatrend that favors Republicans.”


Already, the U.S. has the most generous immigration system in the world — expected to bring in 15 million new foreign-born voters by 2042. About eight million of those voters will have arrived entirely due to the process known as “chain migration” whereby newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S.