Anonymous ID: 0afb43 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:46 p.m. No.17675283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Following a court hearing, I interviewed Kolody's required "local counsel" in the presence of Kolody's out-of-state counsel Dan Ivy:


"Skolnick: Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategies of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here? Local counsel Daniel V. Hanley [(708) 474-6633]: Yes. Skolnick: Really? How could they know? Hanley: My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola."



[Portion of transcript of interview attached to Motion for Relief Because of Fraud Upon the Court, filed 8/9/00. The term "fraud upon the court" is a profound principle of law that frightens cowardly members of the bar and corrupt members of the bench. It requires that the rulings on matters of substance by a judge acting under a malign, if not corrupt, influence, be expunged from the court record.]


When I run into savvy cynics in or near courthouses, they just cackle.


"Skolnick, you have often documented such problems. How can there be a fraud upon the District Court in places like Chicago, a court that is a long-known fraud itself?"


To try to get around Kolody's Motion for Relief Because of Fraud Upon the Court, Judge Manning issued a decision giving the Motion a false label, calling it a motion to disqualify the Judge.



There is no such thing in the Motion. But this is typical of judges operating under a malign, if not corrupt, influence. [A gambling casino kingpin, reportedly part of the criminal cartel, reportedly paid one million dollars to BUY the federal judgeship for Manning. As stated in the filed Motion. See Buying a Judgeship.]


And falsely calling the Motion by that name, Judge Manning said Kolody did not properly invoke the federal statutes for disqualifying a judge. So the Judge said Kolody's Motion is no good. Any one examining the Court record could see the Judge is a plain rotten liar.


In another case on Judge Manning's docket, the Tribune Company has been blackmailing the Judge. In a moment you will understand why. It is a case of a dope-trafficking gang, Chicago-Florida, involving Chicago police and dope "mules" or couriers, actually many of them women also working for the American CIA.



The Tribune filed a petition in the case saying they should be allowed to intervene as of right. Why? Because, says the Tribune, Judge Manning is conducting, without notice or legal formality, secret court proceedings. And Judge Manning is censoring court documents and transcripts, by redacting them, and similar secret methods. Judge Manning's apparent purpose?


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