Anonymous ID: 508b29 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:04 p.m. No.17672958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5182 >>5623

Metro Nashville PD


BREAKING: Detectives today arrested parolee & registered sex offender James Josey III, 31, for hiding in a stall of the women's restroom at the Hermitage Whataburger & using his phone to video persons in an adjacent stall. He's charged w/ invasion of privacy/peeping tom-a felony.


6:25 PM · Apr 8, 2022·Twitter Web App

Anonymous ID: 508b29 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:05 p.m. No.17673082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3691 >>4405 >>4509

Increasing psychological stress in NPCs may well be the only way to save them, to break them out of MSM satanic media mind prison, the MSM built pseudo reality.


’’’Nobel prize winning cult totem’’’


Ivan Pavlov established a series of brilliant, sadistic, experiments, established wholesale reorganization of the human mind is a natural defense of the brain against cumulative stress.


When the brain shuts itself down the result is the loss of all prior conditioning – along with the cultural OS – everything what we learned or absorbed unconsciously from satanist media.


FUD stress/"cognitive dissonance " is rapidly approaching this shut down point for cult media-controlled NPCs.


‘‘‘Pavlov commented: that the most basic inherited difference among people was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system.”’


When that critical point is reached the NPC brain scrams the process, shuts down to protect itself, deletes the OS (worldview, opinions, automaticisims, habits, generational grievances etc) and zeros the registers.


Leaving the former NPC basic with IO functions .


[tractable species]


NPC satanic conditioning (as programming) is low functioning durable and stress resistant.

UN good Orange man bad. Russia bad. Everything racist etc. Whatever, the Nobel prize winning scientist said, in so many words: '''eventually they all shatter.’’’


This a way to possibly save heavily conditioned NPCs, to free them from MSM satanic programming and (potentially) save their souls.


To understand this reorganizational process on the biological level we need to absorb Pavlov's studies on fear conditioning. Hierarchies of autonomous processes like [archangels] share energy/ information substance.



Anonymous ID: 508b29 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:06 p.m. No.17673122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3742 >>4022 >>4348 >>5182


'lies, damned lies, and 400,000 tobacco-related deaths"

TRUrH WASAN EARLYVlCTwt in the barrle against tobacco. Thebiglie.repeatedadnnuseaminanti-tobaccocircles,isthat smoking causesmore than 400.000 premature deaths each year in the United States.That mantra is the principal justification

for all manner of tobacco regulations and legislation. not t” mention lawsuits by dozens of states for Medicaid recovery, class actions by seventy-five to eighty union health funds. sim- ilar litigation by thirty-five Blue Cross plans, twenty-four class suits by smukers who are not yet ill, sixty class actions by allegedly ill smokers, five hundred suits for damagesfrom sec- ondhand smoke, and health-related litigation by twelve cities arid counties–an explosion of adjudication never before expe- rienced in this country or elsewhere.

. The war on smoking started with a kernel of truth-that cig- arcttes are a high risk factor for lung cancer-but has grow’n into a monster of deceit and greed, eroding the credibility of government and subverting the rule of law. Junk science has replaced honest science and propaganda parades as fact. Our legislators and judges, in need of dispassionate analysis, are instead smothered by an avalanche of statistics-tendentious, inadequately documented, and unchecked by even rudimentary notious of objectivity. Meanwhile, Americans are indoctrinat- ed by health “professionals” bent on imposing their lifestyle choicesontherestofusandbrainwashedbypoliticians eager to tap the deep pockets of a pariah industry.

The aim of this paper is t” dissect the granddaddy of all tobacco lies-that smoking causes400,000 deaths each year. To set the stage. let’s look at two of the many exaggerations, misstatements, and outright fabrications that have dominated the tobacco debate from the outset.

Anonymous ID: 508b29 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:13 p.m. No.17673674   🗄️.is 🔗kun



SDO not updated since June 21st, Stanford power outage due to fires.

Anonymous ID: 508b29 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:16 p.m. No.17673942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368

Catherine Herridge



#January6thHearings On record statement from Russ Vought, President of Center for Renewing America, confirms Jess Clark “electronic devices” seized. — “The new era of criminalizing politics is worsening in the US. Yesterday more than a dozen DOJ law enforcement

officials searched Jeff Clark’s house in a pre-dawn raid, put him in the streets in his pajamas + took his electronic devices. All because Jeff saw fit to investigate voter fraud. This is not America, folks. The weaponization of government must end…”

4:52 PM · Jun 23, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Anonymous ID: 508b29 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:20 p.m. No.17674274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4633


Oh, and they end with a line you can call to give them money for them to say magic words about you.


You know, like PayingMuhDick used to do, minus the dream interpreting.