The Powers and Principalities still have full control of many of the minds in here.
Look at them obsess over who will be their next overlord or corrupt oligarch.
The Powers and Principalities still have full control of many of the minds in here.
Look at them obsess over who will be their next overlord or corrupt oligarch.
It's nearly impossible to write-in a candidate (which triggers hand counting) with a Sharpie, which is why they are mandated.
Apparently the Missouri National Guard currently reports to the Department of Public Health. There is a ballot measure today to align the National Guard directly under the Governor.
'''"Shall the Missouri National Guard currently under the Missouri Department of
6 Public Safety be its own department, known as the Missouri Department of the National
7 Guard, which shall be required to protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of
8 Missourians?".'''
Section 54. There shall be established a Missouri Department of the National
2 Guard in charge of the adjutant general appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the
3 governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, who shall provide for the
4 state militia, uphold the Constitution of the United States, uphold the Constitution of
5 Missouri, protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of Missourians, and provide
6 other defense and security mechanisms as may be required.\
Spambot shill is back on Endchan.