someone claimed at approximately 12pm last bread >>17743068
that the bread was half deleted and not to refresh. problem is, that post was the 745th post of the bread. if half the bread really was deleted at that point, a refresh would have brought the bread back to ~350 posts. that wasn't the case.
had 26 shitposts of zero value, including several that claimed to be "patriot tests"
there was no mention by any other anon that anything was missing.
there were no green text tags, which would normally indicate replies to deleted content.
there was no discussion of any "drops" in the bread, or anything of significance. if there had been, you would've seen multiple replies to a green text post. what does that mean? that anon, and the one in this bread, which is probably the same, is full of shit.
the clearly false claim was then spread to hivemind for the former board admin to drool over.
this shit might work on non-autists, but some of us have brains, shlomo.