What a joke.
No, we were told patriots were in control. They clearly are not in control considering Democrats have stolen three straight elections, control the entire federal government, are using our tax dollars to launder money for their own campaigns, and are starting world war 3.
This is not winning. This is called losing. Look at the scoreboard instead of sucking Trump's dick.
The elections are rigged. Millions of Americans refuse to take part in the fixed system anymore. Need proof, watch the GA runoff. Many will sit it out. We are losing our country and Trump's solution is to vote two years from now. What a joke.
Be sure to vote Trump in 2024!
He's going to drain the swamp this time. This isn't like last time. This time he means it.
Yeah a process to keep you on your ass until 2030. Controlled opposition. Zero arrests. Deep state still runs America.
Trust Sessions
Trust Wray
Trust Huber
Trust Horowitz
Trust Grassley
Elections are safe
Are you ready for arrests?
Even if elections were 100% safe, it won't matter anyway. Tens of millions of non white immigrants flood our border every year. They will all vote Democrat. Trump had his chance. He didn't drain the swamp and he turned into a vaccine salesman.
All of my memes expired after 2020 was stolen and not a single criminal traitor was prosecuted.
Trump 2024!
I don't care about rigged 2018
I don't care about rigged 2020
I don't care about rigged 2022
Trump is going to win and he's going to drain the swamp this time. But first, you have to vote Trump 2024! Deep state is panicking so hard right now.
Trump mentioned "our democracy". Trump is jus another lying democrat. Not a single arrest. Not a single prosecution. Deep state always wins.
Don't worry anon. It won't come to civil war. Q has everything under control. Democrats are clearly panicking very hard right now. Ignore the rigged elections, WWIII, and the fact they control the entire federal government.