Anonymous ID: ad20f2 Nov. 17, 2022, 9:02 p.m. No.17785894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5909 >>5920 >>5955 >>5963


Electron Cryotomography of SARS-CoV-2 Virions

Seeing the Virus Up Close Makes It Difficult to Deny its Existence

18 hr ago






The endless frustrations of the SARS-CoV-2 crisis and pandemic response has led some to push back denying existence of the virus altogether. Laboratory methods in virology are well accepted and utilize a series of experiments to demonstrate cellular invasion, replication, transfer and repeated infection. Whole genomic sequencing has aided in identification of variants and subvariants and helped greatly in forecasting what is coming next. The CDC Nowcast system is an excellent application of targeted sequencing of viral samples.[i] Nonetheless, some have said if SARS-CoV-2 cannot be cultured like a bacteria and “isolated” then it does not exist. I have always responded that the principles of laboratory virology, sequencing, and the mass production of viruses such as that done by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems are concrete processes that rely on the presence of the virus.[ii] My understanding from the body of medical literature and firsthand clinical experience are consistent with the conclusion that COVID-19 is indeed a unique illness distinguishable from influenza and other viral infections. I have always been impressed with the absence of bacterial superinfection and micro- and macro-thrombosis being features that separate COVID-19 from influenza and other viral syndromes. Calder, et al, at the Francis Crick Institute has gone a step farther with advanced forms of electron microscopy to see the virus up close and personal.[iii]

Anonymous ID: ad20f2 Nov. 17, 2022, 9:11 p.m. No.17785913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They Thought They Were Free


Anonymous ID: ad20f2 Nov. 17, 2022, 9:15 p.m. No.17785930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5936 >>5956

The Tactics of Tyrants


“[M]odern tyrants all stand above politics and, in doing so, demonstrate that they are all master politicians”


Many have sounded the alarm over the past two years about the threat of endless emergencies, and we have all seen the goalposts be moved time and again. “It’s just two weeks.” “It’s just a mask.” “It’s just a vaccine.” And on and on it goes. But while most everyone recognizes that “two weeks to flatten the curve” was not just two weeks, too few understand the insidious threat of ongoing “rule by emergency.” But Mayer’s friends understood, and they experienced the catastrophic results.


Before Hitler became chancellor, Germany was still a republic governed by the Weimar Constitution. But Article 48 of this constitution permitted the suspension of civil liberties “[i]f public security and order are seriously disturbed or endangered.” These emergency powers were continually abused, and following the Reichstag Fire in 1933, the Enabling Act transferred all law-making power from the German parliament to the executive branch, allowing Hitler to “rule by decree” until the end of the War in 1945.


While the legislative branches of the States and the federal government in the United States (and other nations around the world) have been in session the past two years, the reality is that legislatures rarely sought to limit the powers of the executive. Under the auspices of the CDC, the WHO, and other health agencies, executives have effectively ruled by fiat. Closing businesses, mandating masks and vaccines, forcing people to stay home—most of these measures were implemented by executives without even consulting legislatures. And what was the justification? The “emergency” of covid. If we could go back in time to 2019 and ask whether executives should be permitted to unilaterally impose such life-altering policies on their people even with legislative consent, the vast majority of people would likely say “No!” So how did we get here in 2022? Mayer’s friends offer valuable insight.

Anonymous ID: ad20f2 Nov. 17, 2022, 9:30 p.m. No.17785968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


True and excellent summary for general context.


Operation Paperclip drew on the Nazi model including mass formation psychosis gripping our nation perhaps, including occultism. Perhaps some under the spell may wake up to the Nazi alalogy in time for the tribunals.