"[Nancy] is on her way to another country right now…She's been fired"
Ok my army of frogs…got sumtin I can't get out of my head…help plz.
I have heard (no sauce) that Russia is now up and running, conducting, Military tribunals in Ukraine
for crimes against humanity.
What POTUS said above…
Was not Pelosi/her son involved in Ukraine along with Hunter and others?
It is my understanding that Putin has a hard on about this going waaaaay back [a Russian never forgets?]
Russia has been wanting some major payback on these people Kazarian/Ashkenazi for nearly 1000 years,
going back to days of distant tsars.
Could it be possible, probable, even likely that Nancy was on her way to Ukraine to be tried by Russia [on her way to another country],
and executed by "firing squad" [she's been fired] because Putin/Russia personally demanded her for payback?
Am I way off course here?
Being too hopeful that another DS'er has bit the dust?