Beings New York is (figuratively) "the center of the universe", wonder if that's what might get the dominoes falling? Between Schneiderman and the women he abused including his "BROWN SLAVE" and covering up all of the child crimes, Crooked Foundation, and other corruption/BLACKMAIL;
The NVIXM compound up there, yet another thing ignored by the NWO/Communist "MSM";
Jeffie Epstein's townhouse (which reportedly Bill Cosby had a place across the street from) & goings-on;
Murdered Police Officers, including Officer Familia, and the rash of NY Police suiciding/being found shot/whatever… And then we have "Producers" on SYNCHED devices, including The Weiner's, due to who his wife was emailing with….
New York (State) is giving "D.C." a run for its money for most corrupt cesspool with the most blackmail DIRT.