they're mad scientists
and we're lab rats.
carry on.
feelin' cute, might click, idk
>Elon calls out Alex Vindman for heading a human twitter bot farm
the final variant is getting the mark and worshipping the antichrist.
look here, shill: no hits on keywords "God","religion", "fanatic", etc.
fake shit is faek.
lame and filtered
ghey, ghey ghey; everything is faek and ghey.
shitpoasts will continue until shit gets real.
>there is no method of creating or experiencing anything beyond our 4 dimensions from with in our 4 dimensions.
not the 5th much less 10th
"When they ask you, 'how much should we give?', ooh the only answer is MORE MORE MORE!"
seriously who drinques dat sheet, nigga?
Biological Data Storage: The Storage Medium of the Future
World first: A Netflix series successfully stored in DNA
they were talking about storing data in fat cells back when anon was in college; safe to say befoar most of you geniuses were hatched.
do we need to keep poasting this shit niggas