Face the music
Front 242 - Headhunter
what goes up musk'[EM] down
8-Oct-2017 3:15:48 PM PDT
"Open your eyes."
"Operation Mockingbird."
29-Oct-2017 8:47:07 AM PDT
Ei, das
a bad egg (fig colloq)
(person) eine üble Person
a good/tough egg (colloq)
(person) ein feiner od. (veralt.) famoser/harter Kerl (ugs.)
good egg! (dated)
(colloq) famos! (veralt.)
have or put all one's eggs in one basket (fig)
(colloq) alles auf eine Karte setzen
it's like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs
da will das Ei wieder klüger sein als die Henne
as sure as eggs is or are eggs
(colloq) so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche (ugs.)
have egg on or all over one's face (fig)
dumm od. blöd dastehen (ugs.)
dumm aus der Wäsche gucken (salopp)
wall2wall SWAMP DINERS?
ALL muh W's
musknow very little, this big
he musk[G][O] out sometime. been inside[R] tooooo long