Anonymous ID: 2eadce Dec. 4, 2022, 3:06 p.m. No.17877041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7190 >>7194



ANY msm narrative ANYONE sees at ANY TIME, instead of seeing that data point in a one dimensional line….AS EACH AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THE CYBERREAL SPIRIT/HUMAN COMMUNICATION/SPIRIT STREAM OF INFORMATION.


Oh did everyone see fake news say laptop was russian disinformation? Hmmm….instead of 'immediately accepting'…everydata bit can be assigned a unique reference call function prime number for factorization of that data bit AND ALL THE OTHERS IN THE CONVERSATION 2 DIMENSIONAL, AN INFINITE GRID. The GRID.




If we could all see every statement in a social media stream NOT as 'the final word' in a one dimensional dialectic of temporal division thesis/antithesis pairs one 'side' as the 'CURRENT THING' then the other 'side' as the 'rEaCtiOnAry CURRENT THING', conflict, control, mind control.


Anon's mind can view a particular statement from fake news and see where in the conversation that statement occurred, what was the source of the initial statement.


Anon has a theory.


If this happens universally, humanity will see that many statements REFERENCING a data point in the past, we can start to see where the UNSOURCED assertions are located AND WHEN THEY BEGAN.


The worldwide MSM will instantly find THEMSELVES within the same infinite two dimensional grid WITH THE REST OF HUMANITY VIEWING THE SAME INFINITE GRID.


Anon asks: WHY did I ever accept a one dimensional structure in the first place?


Anon had a dream 1.7 years ago of programming in two dimensions, where you can see the flow of data over time through multi-layered planes extending into the infinity, where the dependent levels of abstraction link information through time and looking like infinite number of infinite grids.


My mind is incapable of imagining the largest most complex system operating in a reality where there is one and only one instantiation of any source introduction of new information/activity/data sourced by a quantity equal to the number of consciousnesses created, we were all born, and creating.


Who coded our DNA? 'What' coded it?


The consciousness that humans have, either mathematics is too complex for the human mind, or there are always going to be true statements known about a machine system that the system itself cannot prove, cannot 'know'.


I know there is a single source that must still exist into the now because I was born exactly {age} years ago.


We can see each other not as adding a 'final word' godlike commandment, which is not necessary and in fact inconsistent in a one dimensional data stream, because it forces inconsistent statements into the same human beings. Code can be said to exist previous to any living human today.

Anonymous ID: 2eadce Dec. 4, 2022, 3:51 p.m. No.17877194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If the whole Hunter Biden Laptop / Twitter / FBI{C_A=clown infiltration?} communications streams are plotted in a two dimensional infinite grid, we could then build layers with the newly created digital battlefield comms, and let's throw in msm.

Contrast, compare.

Humanity is going to see itself in new ways by reducing the NOISE to signal ratio…

Anon does not believe it is a coincidence that the LOUDEST accuisng 'the other' of 'hate speech' and of 'lacking inclusion/become silent', turns out they were the largest by physical scope of implementation, the worst destroyers of information/worst censors of humanity's communications.

The people outputting 'you're guilty of bad speech' is a one dimensional psyop to COVER the building up of those accuser's CENSORING infrastructure worldwide.


They're not censoring BECAUSE there even exists such a thing called 'hate speech', or anything else the censors ]SAY[, the original intent was to censor any and all opposition first, and the COVER STORY was to push a coordinated pattern of knowing deception (laptop) to 'compel' an election outcome by psychological weaponization of information….in the 1D old guard 'zeigeist' pattern can be improved upon with a 2D view of humanity's communications over time, tree pattern of life, pattern of thought.


TwitteraccountsQ'dquite often.

Can overlay the grid of these comms with msm and where each statement is made in the same grid.

We can unlock where simultaneous instantiations of dialectic opposite negations as allegedly organic when they are sourced from a 'small' % of the total world population.' when you see in the 2D. You can see the source of the 'narratives' IF the narratives are themselves prescripted to mislead the 'viewers' from the truth of reality on purpose, so as to 'alchemically' 'lift up' in the world.


Wonder how humanity would have dismantled the nwo if instead of 8 billion there was 800 billion. With all eyes on the same sized nwo as exists today.


Anon 'guessing' that their game could never dominate that world.


Some within humanity knowingly depopulated millions and millions…the 1D narrative cover story ended up being what was 'outputted' by the same source as the wars themselves, so the real deaths and destruction would be the first goal, then after that push/fund WW1/WW2.


Humanity has a 'secret' kept over the generations of a manner of self.intent({anti, 'pro} projection) flooding the 'media'.


Stages are being set worldwide to declas.


Since more consciousnesses is good, each consciousness is a source of what could be a life with less noise and more signal.

Anonymous ID: 2eadce Dec. 4, 2022, 4:55 p.m. No.17877443   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Imagine how complex the plans are that they consist of finding a way to end an endless repression that was taking place behind a federal government information firewall level to hide criminality that was in coordination with {private orgs} as proxies for censoring incriminating truths about themselves.


Why is the DOJ focused at all on the 'intentions' and 'motivations' of ANY former POTUS when they have physical objective informational evidence of real world treason and criminality by the current POTUS and his family?


Wouldn't a compromised CURRENT President would always be more important for the 'top law enforcement agency' in the country than whatever they believe about a former President?


So how to hide that criminality? Fake news and '51 former intelligence officials' pushing false cover story to mislead their viewers into defending by proxy the manufactured lie and attacking the truth.


Now wonder they're so blatant now. For it to have gone on as long as it had, getting lazy and sloppy appears to be a law for all humanity. Flip to dark, dark gets complacent/comfortable, back to light. Flip to light, light can get complacent if 'light' is attempted to be completely defined by incomplete sources like us all.