Anonymous ID: 7ed2be Dec. 4, 2022, 3:03 p.m. No.17877023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7040 >>7126 >>7138 >>7221 >>7315 >>7436 >>7505 >>7542

Icymi here’s the list


We do not know whether these press reports are accurate, but they do suggest concern within Execu8ve Branch departments and agencies that mirrors ours. It is high 8me that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.

Signed by,

Jim Clapper

Former Director of Na<onal Intelligence

Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

Former Director of the Na<onal Geospa<al Intelligence Agency Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency

Mike Hayden

Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Director, Na<onal Security Agency

Former Principal Deputy Director of Na<onal Intelligence

Leon PaneSa


Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency Former Secretary of Defense

John Brennan

Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Former White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor Former Director, Terrorism Threat Integra<on Center

Former Analyst and Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Thomas Finger

Former Deputy Director of Na<onal Intelligence for Analysis

Former Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research, Department of State Former Chair, Na<onal Intelligence Council

Rick LedgeS

Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Security Agency

John McLaughlin

Former Ac<ng Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Director, Slavic and Eurasian Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency

Michael Morell

Former Ac<ng Director, Central Intelligence Agency Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency

Mike Vickers

Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Former Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Doug Wise

Former Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Former Senior CIA Opera<ons Officer

Nick Rasmussen

Former Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center

Russ Travers

Former Ac<ng Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center

Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center

Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Defense Intelligence Agency


Andy Liepman

Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

John Moseman

Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Director of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency Former Minority Staff Director, Senate Select CommiSee on Intelligence

Larry Pfeiffer

Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency Former Director, White House Situa<on Room

Jeremy Bash

Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Chief of Staff, Department of Defense

Former Chief Counsel, House Permanent Select CommiSee on Intelligence

Rodney Snyder

Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Director of Intelligence Programs, Na<onal Security Council Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency

Glenn Gerstell

Former General Counsel, Na<onal Security Agency

David B. Buckley

Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Democra<c Staff Director, House Permanent Select CommiSee on Intelligence Former Counterespionage Case Officer, United States Air Force

Nada Bakos

Former Analyst and Targe<ng Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

PaSy Brandmaier

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Deputy Associate Director for Military Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency Former Deputy Director of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency

James B. Bruce

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Na<onal Intelligence Council

Anonymous ID: 7ed2be Dec. 4, 2022, 3:06 p.m. No.17877040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052 >>7126 >>7221 >>7315 >>7436 >>7505 >>7542



Considerable work related to Russia

David Cariens

Former Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency 50 Years Working in the Intelligence Community

Janice Cariens

Former Opera<onal Support Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Paul Kolbe

Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency Former Chief, Central Eurasia Division, Central Intelligence Agency

Peter Corsell

Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency

BreS Davis

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Deputy Director of the Special Ac<vi<es Center for Expedi<onary Opera<ons, CIA

Roger Zane George

Former Na<onal Intelligence Officer

Steven L. Hall

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency Former Chief of Russian Opera<ons, Central Intelligence Agency

Kent Harrington

Former Na<onal Intelligence Officer for East Asia, Central Intelligence Agency Former Director of Public Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency

Don Hepburn

Former Senior Na<onal Security Execu<ve

Timothy D. Kilbourn

Former Dean, Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency

Ron Marks

Former Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Twice former staff of the Republican Majority Leader


Jonna Hiestand Mendez

Technical Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Emile Nakhleh

Former Director of the Poli<cal Islam Strategic Analysis Program, Central Intelligence Agency Former Senior Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency

Gerald A. O’Shea

Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Served four tours as Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency

David Priess

Former Analyst and Manager, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency

Pam Purcilly

Former Deputy Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Director of the Office of Russian and European Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency

Marc Polymeropoulos

Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Ac<ng Chief of Opera<ons for Europe and Eurasia, Central Intelligence Agency

Chris Savos

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Officer

Nick Shapiro

Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Director, Central Intelligence Agency

John Sipher

Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Deputy Chief of Russian Opera<ons, Central Intelligence Agency

Stephen Slick

Former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, Na<onal Security Council Former Senior Opera<ons Office, Central Intelligence Agency

Cynthia Strand

Former Deputy Assistant Director for Global Issues, Central Intelligence Agency


Greg Tarbell

Former Deputy Execu<ve Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Central Intelligence Agency

David Terry

Former Chairman of the Na<onal Intelligence Collec<on Board

Former Chief of the PDB, Central Intelligence Agency

Former PDB Briefer to Vice President Dick Cheney, Central Intelligence Agency

Greg Treverton

Former Chair, Na<onal Intelligence Council

John Tullius

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

David A. Vanell

Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

Winston Wiley

Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency

Former Chief, Counterterrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency

Kris<n Wood

Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency

In addi<on, nine addi<onal former IC officers who cannot be named publicly also support the arguments in this leSer.