Anonymous ID: 9796b0 Dec. 4, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17877276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7339



Regarding rebel elohim, like Baal, I'd suggest looking at the work of Dr. Michael Heiser, an Old Testament and Hebrew scholar.


A comparitive study of ancient cultures all point to this: YHWH God creates the heavens and the earth, seen and the unseen, material and immaterial. He creates the heavenly host, other spiritual beings ("elohim") that are given functions and roles in the "family business". Unfortunately when mankind is created some of these spiritual beings decide they'll have none of that and so start a rebellion. Enter the serpent in the garden, and the "sons of God" who come down in Genesis 6 to mate with women. Reason? Dominion was given to mankind (think DNA) and they want dominion over earth. YHWH God sends the flood and sets up other sons of God as overseers of the nations (see Deut 32:8-9 and Psalm 82)….unfortunately they either decided to rebel after this assignmnet or they were part of the original rebellion….we don't see that clearly….but we DO see clearly that these other gods…whehter it's Anu, Ishtar, Marduk…Baal, Astarte, Inanna…Saturn, Jupiter….Cronos, Zeus….the different gods go by different names and CAN be traced across cultures.


In fact, a comparitive study of world mythologies reveal a common story and tracks with the bible…



A "Golden Age" of "old gods" (think Genesis 6, these sons of God sharing magic/tech knowledge with mankind)

Conflict between old gods and children (Nephilim cause problems)


New gods replace old gods (Deut 32:8-9, Ps 82)

Anonymous ID: 9796b0 Dec. 4, 2022, 4:28 p.m. No.17877333   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Tracing gods across cultures is tedious but good evidence that:


Kumarbi = Nergal = Malik/Milcom = Moloch/Molech = Shemihazah = El = Enlil = Dagan = Assur = Baal Hammon = Baal Peor = Geb = Saturn = Cronos = Odin


Because "baal" is found in the name of two fo these, do not mistake them for Baal of Canaan worship. That rebel elohim can be traced as such:


Baal = Baal-Hadad = Marduk = Teshub = Tarhunz = Hadad = Jupiter = Zeus = Thor


And according to Revelation 2 and Matthew 12:22-30 this Baal/Zeus is who we typically call the chief Satan.


Note that all these names given to the chief opposer of YHWH god is never actually named…these names are derived by titles, like "Lord" or "King"

Anonymous ID: 9796b0 Dec. 4, 2022, 4:49 p.m. No.17877419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7427



Keep in mind that the Neo-Babylonian Empire is distinct from the culture that produced the Tower of Babel. Genesis 10 and 11 tell the story that Nimrod founded many cities in Mesopotamia and likely led the construction of the "Tower of Babel". Thousands of years separate the tower and the Babylonian Empire (associated with Nebuchadnezzar in the 600s) that produced the Hanging Gardens.


What archeologists have also found is that likely the oldest, largest, and arguably most important ziggurat in Mesopotamian history was the temple of Enki/Ea, the Sumerian/Akkadian “lord of the earth,” the god of wisdom, magic, and exorcism.This ziggurat is located in Eridu, about 150 miles southeast of Babylon. Perhaps this could be the "Tower of Babel".

Anonymous ID: 9796b0 Dec. 4, 2022, 5:13 p.m. No.17877530   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It is. Jesus says the same I believe in Revelation 2:9. The history of the Israelite people, from a bloodline perspective, is very difficult to trace. There have been multiple instances where groups of non-Israelites were "grafted" under the Jewish monker. Just trace the Edomites for example. Needless to say there are plenty of "Jews' who are NOT in fact bloodline Jews. Dr. Laura Sanger has a descent book out called something like "The Roots of the Federal Reserve" that gets into tracing these sorts of threads that's def worth a read. You can probably also find some online videos of interviews with her.