Regarding rebel elohim, like Baal, I'd suggest looking at the work of Dr. Michael Heiser, an Old Testament and Hebrew scholar.
A comparitive study of ancient cultures all point to this: YHWH God creates the heavens and the earth, seen and the unseen, material and immaterial. He creates the heavenly host, other spiritual beings ("elohim") that are given functions and roles in the "family business". Unfortunately when mankind is created some of these spiritual beings decide they'll have none of that and so start a rebellion. Enter the serpent in the garden, and the "sons of God" who come down in Genesis 6 to mate with women. Reason? Dominion was given to mankind (think DNA) and they want dominion over earth. YHWH God sends the flood and sets up other sons of God as overseers of the nations (see Deut 32:8-9 and Psalm 82)….unfortunately they either decided to rebel after this assignmnet or they were part of the original rebellion….we don't see that clearly….but we DO see clearly that these other gods…whehter it's Anu, Ishtar, Marduk…Baal, Astarte, Inanna…Saturn, Jupiter….Cronos, Zeus….the different gods go by different names and CAN be traced across cultures.
In fact, a comparitive study of world mythologies reveal a common story and tracks with the bible…
A "Golden Age" of "old gods" (think Genesis 6, these sons of God sharing magic/tech knowledge with mankind)
Conflict between old gods and children (Nephilim cause problems)
New gods replace old gods (Deut 32:8-9, Ps 82)