Anonymous ID: b0d8bd Dec. 4, 2022, 2:03 p.m. No.17876803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6809 >>6899 >>7016 >>7072 >>7126 >>7221 >>7315 >>7436 >>7505 >>7542

Antifa Aims To Disrupt Florida Rally Opposing The Sexualization Of Children


A rally organized to out activism that encourages children to question their gender identity and sexual orientation has inspired fury.


Now, threats of a rage-filled counter-protest have rally organizers requesting law enforcement officers to attend their planned gathering on Dec. 3 at a beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Conflict bubbled up after three very different groups organized the Protect the Children rally to display solidarity against policies aimed at sexualizing children, alienating them from their parents, and helping them pursue gender-transition treatment. They plan to gather at Fort Lauderdale Beach on the corner of Las Olas Boulevard at 11 a.m.


Local chapters of Moms for Liberty, Fathers for Freedom, and Gays Against Groomers wanted to come together to peacefully speak against “radicalized sexual curriculum, gender ideology, child grooming, parental alienation, and ‘gender-affirming care,'” said Eulalia Jimenez, president of the Moms for Liberty Miami chapter.


But when Antifa members heard of the gathering, they urged their peers in Twitter posts to “confront this hatred” and “protest against hate.” They referred to Protect the Children rally organizers as “fascists” proliferating “stochastic terrorism,” and spread fliers that read, “We can’t allow this kind of bigotry to go unchecked.”


The term “stochastic terrorism” refers to public demonization through so-called “hate speech,” which some say can be used to incite violence against a person or group.

Anonymous ID: b0d8bd Dec. 4, 2022, 2:08 p.m. No.17876820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6868 >>6899 >>7016 >>7091 >>7126 >>7221 >>7315 >>7436 >>7505 >>7542

Clyburn: I Advise McCarthy to Make a Deal with Democrats for Speaker Votes


Representative James Clyburn. (D-SC) said on this week’s broadcast on MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show” Republican leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy should make a deal with Democrats to get enough votes to become Speaker of the House.


Host Jonathan Capehart said, “Let’s talk about the disunity on the other side of the aisle. Current house minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, he is working hard to scare off the 218 votes he’s going to need on January 3, when they have the vote for the new House speaker. Do you think he’ll be successful in his quest for the speaker’s gavel?”


Clyburn said, “I think so. I don’t know so, but I think so. You know, he’s been there a long time. He’s been the leader for a long time. I think that he has those that allow him to put together the kind of deals that were necessary to get to 218. However, if there are seven or eight people who are not going to vote for him, I’d advise him to go and look on the other side of the aisle and see whether there are some deals over there to be made as well.”


Capehart said, “That’s interesting. What kind of deals?


Clyburn said, “We want to push an agenda that makes this country’s greatness accessible and affordable for all. I just talked about the South. I just talked about the parts of the South that can lift up so much of this. I think that we can sit down to get there, and we might be able to forge an agenda that would be acceptable to 218 people.”

Anonymous ID: b0d8bd Dec. 4, 2022, 2:11 p.m. No.17876828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu: Trump ‘Wrong’ for Giving Legitimacy to Antisemitism


Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that former President Donald Trump was wrong for having dinner at his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, FL, with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.


Anchor Chuck Todd said, “You have a unique relationship with former President Trump. He has consistently flirted with some really fringe characters that spout this antisemitic behavior, that preach white nationalism, things like that, and doesn’t denounce it. He has yet to denounce Kanye West at all, has yet to denounce being with the white supremacist days ago. Why do you think he halls this difficulty, do you think?”


Netanyahu said, “I don’t know. First, President Trump does great things for Jerusalem. He moved the American embassy there, recognized our sovereignty in the Golan Heights. He got out of the disastrous Iran’s deal, which would have paved Iran’s path with gold. So he’s done they great things. I remain appreciative. On this matter of Kanye West and the other unacceptable guest, I think it’s just wrong. I hope he sees his way to staying out of it and condemning it.


He added, “You don’t praise Hitler. How can you praise Hitler? He was the greatest mass killer of all time. Anybody who praises him is wrong. Anybody who gives him legitimacy is wrong.”

Anonymous ID: b0d8bd Dec. 4, 2022, 2:23 p.m. No.17876863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6869 >>6899 >>6943 >>7016 >>7126 >>7221 >>7315 >>7436 >>7505 >>7542

New Zealand government tries to seize guardianship of baby after parents demand unvaccinated blood for surgery


Parents said 20 unvaccinated people willing to donate blood but New Zealand government did not approve


New Zealand's government health service has applied to remove guardianship of a 4-month-old baby boy from his parents after they demanded that his life-saving surgery can proceed only with blood that does not contain the COVID-19 vaccine.


Health New Zealand, also known as Te Whatu Ora, made a court application Monday with the Auckland High Court to transfer guardianship under the Care of Children Act so the baby can receive the operation, according to court documents reported by the New Zealand Herald.


The baby's parents recently explained their position during an interview with Liz Gunn, a broadcaster from New Zealand who has raised concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.


Explaining how their son has severe pulmonary valve stenosis and needs surgery "almost immediately," the parents said they are "extremely concerned with the blood [the doctors] are going to use."

Anonymous ID: b0d8bd Dec. 4, 2022, 2:51 p.m. No.17876966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972 >>7016 >>7126 >>7221 >>7280 >>7315 >>7436 >>7494 >>7505 >>7542

Senator Johnson: Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop is “Just Part of a Much Larger Story”


Senator Ron Johnson joined Maria Bartiromo earlier today on Sunday Morning Futures.


Seantor Johnson always brings the red meat to his interviews. Today’s interview was not the exception.


The Wisconsin senator claimed that Elon Musk’s admission of censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop was “just part of a much larger story” on the censorship of conservatives in the US today.


In a previous appearance on the program Ron Johnson accused Joe Biden of funneling money to his son Hunter Biden to pay for the Eastern European prostitutes involved in a possible human trafficking ring.


Of course, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland is covering up all of these crimes and ignoring this lawlessness by the First Family.


Johnson also went after the regime’s social experiments in the US military.



The Daily Mail reported:


Wisconsin GOP Senator Ron Johnson claimed on Sunday that Elon Musk’s Twitter exposé of the platform’s handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop is ‘part of a much larger story’ on censorship.


Johnson along with Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley had been investigating foreign business deals made by President Joe Biden’s son that had been brought to light by a New York Post story published in October 2020.


The story’s reach was quickly limited on Twitter and Facebook over fears that it could have been the product of hacking or a Russian disinformation attempt.


But Republicans have accused Twitter of being motivated by political bias by suppressing a story that was harmful to the Biden campaign just weeks before his White House victory.


‘Listen, I appreciate what Mr. Musk is doing here. It’s certainly revealing an awful lot about that particular censorship. But you know… Senator Grassley and my investigation, Hunter Biden was hampered really, as soon as it started,’ Johnson told Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures.


On the House side, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy called for investigations into Google and Facebook as well.


‘These now have become arms of the Democratic Party, arms of the Biden administration,’ McCarthy told Sunday Morning Futures before Johnson’s appearance.


‘But they also used the intel community as well to lie to the American public. Should those people keep their clearances? Should those people still be allowed to have information? If they’re going to be political individuals then no, they should not. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what we need to investigate going forward.’

Anonymous ID: b0d8bd Dec. 4, 2022, 2:54 p.m. No.17876980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6988 >>6992 >>6997 >>7016 >>7126 >>7221 >>7315 >>7436 >>7505 >>7542

CHRIS WRAY NEEDS TO RESIGN: FBI Began Covertly Surveilling Rudy Giuliani One Month After He Was Hired as President Trump’s Personal Attorney


Last year Twitter disclosed to the FEC they were warned of ‘a hack and leak operation involving Hunter Biden’ by federal law enforcement that led them to censor the NY Post story


The disclosure was signed by Yoel Roth


According to information coming out now, the FBI was surveilling Rudy Giuliani for two years and watching his email. In 2020 they saw his emails to/from John Mac Isaac and to/from Miranda Divine and Steve Bannon and knew the laptop story was coming and when the New York Post was going to release it.


The FBI went to Twitter and “pre-seeded” the idea to them that there was going to be “hacked material” for Russia relating to Hunter and Joe Biden and they needed to deal with it accordingly. No doubt that the FBI went to Facebook and Google as well.


This was massive collusion involving corrupt Democrat politicians, Big Tech, and the FBI.


See Miranda Devine at the War Room yesterday.