I made an anti-~~circumcision~~Male Genital Mutilation bread since the topic was gaining traction and I have too many images for the general.
If BV/BO disapprove, please delete (or it'll slide naturally).
I made an anti-~~circumcision~~Male Genital Mutilation bread since the topic was gaining traction and I have too many images for the general.
If BV/BO disapprove, please delete (or it'll slide naturally).
>amanita muscaria
isn't it (((weird))) how certain ritualistic words/objects enter the normie lexicon?
>he doesn't live in America (also pic related)
that must really blow
i'm with you anon, but for the sake of effectiveness, you have to realize that good, normal, white Americans are ~~educated~~ ~~indoctrinated~~ traumatized by the holohoax story since preschool. ffs they read the "diary" of anne frankly didn't exist in kindergarten. it's just not a practical vector of redpilling.
it's refreshing to see /pol/ is still here