Anonymous ID: 7da5bb Dec. 6, 2022, 10:03 a.m. No.17890987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1109 >>1494

Millions in Brazil continue election fraud protests following Bolsonaro’s alleged defeat

While the streets are replete with Bolsonaro voters demanding answers, reporters are asking 'Where are President-elect Lula's supporters?'

Anonymous ID: 7da5bb Dec. 6, 2022, 11:12 a.m. No.17894743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nurse blows whistle on alarming increase in fetal deaths after COVID jab rollout


'I already noticed that this increase in fetal demises was happening, but no one was really saying anything about them,' recalled Michelle Gershman, RN.


(LifeSiteNews) — During a recent roundtable discussion hosted by the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a nurse whistleblower shared her observations of an alarming increase in fetal deaths whose mothers had received a COVID-19 vaccine.


Registered Nurse Michelle Gershman joined Dr. James Thorp and members of the CHD team on their weekly show to discuss the connection between the COVID shots and fetal deaths, as well as the lack of serious attention given to the rising issue.


“I don’t understand how people just brush it off and pretend it’s not a big deal,” Gershman said during the discussion. “It’s absolutely a big deal. I do truly believe that babies are given to us by God, they’re meant to bring us love and joy, and if something comes between that, trying to take your baby away, to me that’s absolutely evil.”


Gershman began working as a postpartum nurse in November 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. At first, she said that the virus didn’t appear to have major impacts on fetal deaths and health issues for pregnant women.