Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17885605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5608 >>5815

11 Feb 2001


This club had its own chairman and treasurer. Its business was child abuse

It takes just four minutes to log into paedophile web

It seemed like an ordinary club, with a chairman, a treasurer and a board of long-serving and respected members.

Everyone had a nickname and there were the usual petty rows: grumbles that too many members were being allowed in without going through the official channels or being approved by the hierarchy.

But it was the sinister entry fee that exposed the fact that this was no ordinary club: each new member had to supply 10,000 pornographic images of children.

This was theWonderland Club, an international online paedophile ring which ran for four years before finally being smashed by the biggest international police operation ever undertaken.

Tomorrow, seven British members of the ring will be sentenced at Kingston Crown Court for 'conspiring with others to distribute indecent images of children'. The legal jargon masks a terrible reality: Wonderland was an international network of paedophiles involving the rape of boys and girls live on camera and the traffic in images of the torture of children as young as two months.

The international investigation to crack the ring was the biggest in policing history, taking in 13 countries and 180 men. Led by British officers, on 2 September 1998 police forces simultaneously kicked in the doors of 107 homes and made 104 arrests.

The suspects included the usual collection of outsiders: unemployed loners in UK bedsits, a father and son in a US trailer-park. But they also numbered a computer consultant in an Italian penthouse apartment, a German professor and a Canadian medical student who had trained on a children's hospital ward. The more senior members of the club earned their status by providing photographs and videos of themselves performing sex acts with children. In a perverse paedophile version of Hollywood, certain children became 'stars'.

One prolific abuser, Gary Salt, invited other members to visit his Stockport home to pose with children in front of the webcam as if they were meeting a screen hero. Thesheer weight of the physical evidence illustrates the enormity of Operation Cathedral - 750,000 individual images of children and 1,800 computerised videos depicted children being sexually abused.

The images were so appalling that National Crime Squad officers who had to sift through the mountain of material had compulsory therapy sessions to help them deal with what they saw.

'These really are quite horrific images,' said Alex Wood, deputy chief inspector of the NCS. 'These are kids being subjected to the most serious, serious, abuse.'

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17885608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This was the Wonderland Club, an international online paedophile ring which ran for four years before finally being smashed by the biggest international police operation ever undertaken.

The ring began to unravel after the arrest of Ronald Riva in Greenfield, California. Officers discovered that Riva had raped his daughter's 10-year-old friend in front of a camera which relayed the live image onto the internet. The child, who had been invited to a slumber party by Riva's daughter, is one of only two of the 1,236 Wonderland victims to have been traced. The other, a Portugese boy, has disappeared and police fear he may have been murdered.

Among six men who had typed messages of encouragement to Riva was Ian Baldock, a 31-year-old computer consultant from St Leonards, East Sussex. The FBI informed the UK police, who soon realised the scale of the enterprise they had stumbled on. Operation Cathedral was born.

'At first there was not enough police knowledge or power,' said Wood.

'We had to bring in computer experts who worked with us for 14 months. Once we had traced actual computers we then had to establish who was using that computer at a particular time and with many of them in libraries and universities it wasn't easy.'

Round-the-clock surveillance on suspects had to be introduced to ensure none had access to children while the investigation was ongoing. At one point, the operation almost collapsed when one British man, Gavin Seagers, was discovered working with Sea Cadets. The police knew that if they arrested him they risked tipping off the whole network. Tracing the victims of the Wonderland Club is now a priority. New technology is being tested out by Interpol based in Lyons, France, to enable photographs sent in by social services and families to be 'matched' by computer against the victims' photographs. Already 900 children have had their photographs 'sanitised' and stored and police forces across the world will be able to access them.

The British Government introduced legislation last month to increase maximum sentences for the possession of child porn from six months to five years. Those caught producing or distributing the images will now receive sentences of 10 years rather than the present maximum of three. But the new sentences will not apply to the Wonderland Club.

Next month the internet Crime Forum at the Home Office will publish a report on chatrooms where child abusers discuss their fantasies. Police have become concerned that these forums are being used to 'groom' children and lure them to meetings with paedophiles. The report is likely to make depressing reading. A Home Office spokesman told The Observer : 'We have a very co-operative relationship with internet service providers, but it is technologically impossible for them to stop this stuff.'

In April, a new cyber-crime unit will start work involving 80 officers from the police, Customs and the National Criminal Intelligence Service.

According to the National Association of Probation Officers most internet offenders do not see themselves as criminals and few receive treatment. Spokesman Harry Fletcher said: 'We are only beginning to understand the scale of this crime. It is a major problem that their offending behaviour is not being challenged.'

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 9:33 a.m. No.17886428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4631


PREDICT enabled global surveillance for pathogens that can spillover from animal hosts to people by building capacities to detect and discover viruses of pandemic potential. The project is part of USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program and was led by the UC Davis One Health Institute.

PREDICT was initiated in 2009 to strengthen global capacity for detection and discovery of viruses with pandemic potential that can move between animals and people. Those include coronaviruses, the family to which SARS and MERS belong; paramyxoviruses, like Nipah virus; influenza viruses; and filoviruses, like the ebolavirus.

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 9:39 a.m. No.17887365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7874 >>8208



Around the year 2001, Senomyx patented several flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems", which have been previously expressed in human cell culture, in HEK293 cells. HEK293 cells are a cell line widely used in biological and medical research, immortalized through a genetic modification removed from the original human embryonic kidney cells taken from a healthy, aborted human fetus in the early 1970s.


Because very small amounts of the additive are used (reportedly less than one part per million), Senomyx has no obligation to report their ingredients to the consumer.

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 9:54 a.m. No.17889619   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lamborghini Diablo SE30 Jota (1 of 12 Built)

The very special Lamborghini Diablo SE30 Jota, built in 1993 by Lamborghini, to celebrate their 30th year anniversary. The SE30 Jota was lighter than the normal Diablo, since it was made from carbon fibre, magnesium and other ultra-light-weight materials. All the weight-savings meant that the car was a whopping 125kg lighter than the standard Diablo. It was only built in 12 exeamples, and this particular one is one of a very few number of cars in Europe. Most of the SE30 Jotas are in Japan. The nice owner of the car said that one time he got pulled over in Italy, by the italian Police. Not because he was speeding, or something like that, they just wanted him to do a burnout and to have a seat in the car!

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 10:28 a.m. No.17894573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Important and fascinating essay by @johncusack about press freedom. (Yes, THAT John Cusack. There is serendipity in his high fidelity words.)

Media needs protection from government intrusion into news-gathering - Chicago Sun-Times

Media needs protection from government intrusion into news-gathering

Illinois and the entire country should let Sen. Dick Durbin know that he has our full support in moving the PRESS Act forward.

By John Cusack

Dec 5, 2022, 4:00pm EST

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.17894620   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>One prolific abuser, Gary Salt, invited other members to visit his Stockport home to pose with children in front of the webcam as if they were meeting a screen hero.

Salt, who said he was terrified of jail, faced a life sentence for his crimes. Police sources told the M.E.N they found a noose in his flat for him to use if he was ever caught.

To reduce his sentence, he spent nine days at Stockport police station coughing up information about the underworld of internet child porn to which he belonged.

Everything Salt told them was passed to an elite international crime squad and eventually led to a coordinated world-wide raids. Officers across 13 countries raided more than 100 addresses.

Some 180 suspected paedophiles were arrested – including 11 in Britain.

The information given by Salt was crucial. The CIA later admitted it would otherwise have taken 400 officers more than 40 years to crack the passwords and encryptions that Wonderland operatives had used to try to cover their tracks.

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 10:44 a.m. No.17894631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>PREDICT enabled global surveillance for pathogens that can spillover from animal hosts to people by building capacities to detect and discover viruses of pandemic potential.

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 11:05 a.m. No.17894716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4800


Michael Lavery, prosecuting, said analysis of the library computers revealed Salt had become involved with the ‘Ranchi Community’, a virtual ‘community’ of paedophiles whose aim was to make and share still and moving indecent images online.

The Ranchi Community was described as a global computer network of paedophilia that has been investigated by the FBI and by authorities in Italy.

Mr Lavery said the system contained advice about uploading images and how to avoid police. He said: "It is clear that he has uploaded material in an attempt to be distributed on the Ranchi group."

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 11:11 a.m. No.17894737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Winklevoss twins owed $900M by crypto broker as FTX contagion spreads

Anonymous ID: f9e97d Dec. 6, 2022, 11:34 a.m. No.17894822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rael applauds Religulous, lambastes the pope

we recommand it

In an official statement released today, Rael congratulated talk show host Bill Maher and director Larry Charles on the success of their new movie, “Religulous,” which pokes fun at major religions.

To make the film, now in nationwide release, Maher, an agnostic, traveled the world with his crew, interviewing everyone from 18-wheeler drivers at a truck-stop chapel to top-ranking clergy and scientists. Polite but insistent, he asked question after question, “roasting” interviewees (with the exception of the scientists) by exposing contradictions and fallacies in their answers. The focus was on Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Raelians, including Rael himself, were interviewed for the film, but despite early reports, that segment didn't make the final cut.

"Even if we had been roasted, I believe we would still applaud Religulous," said Dr. Brigitte Boisselier,a Raelian bishop who is spokesperson for the International Raelian Movement. "Maher's intent was to show the hypocrisy and absurdities of monotheism, and the film did exactly that. We weren't in the final cut probably because Raelians just didn't make it to the top of the 'ridiculous chart.' Being atheists, we have no room for superstition like the ones shared by most of the religions but we share with them the understanding that Prophets were contacted by those who created us and who were considered as gods by our ancestors… a fascinating way to look at our past and at our future too… ( see

Along with praising Maher and Charles, Rael took the opportunity to lambaste one of his own targets, Pope Benedict XVI, who in an Oct. 5 BBC report lamented a decline of interest in the Bible and said that many people today have decided that god is dead.

“In this report, the pope, as usual, demonstrated infinite stupidity,” Rael said. “Intelligent people around the world don’t say, ‘god is dead.’ What they do say is, ‘There is no god.’ These two statements are deeply different. To be dead, you have to have been alive before. And since there never was a god, something that was never alive and never existed cannot be declared ‘dead.’ The same is true of ‘the holy spirit,’ which of course never existed, being the pure invention of primitive people.

“Thanks to science, humanity now realizes at last that all such absurdities were imposed by primitive religions, with the help of governments that used them to have greater control over the population. They were also used as a pretext for pillaging the world during the colonization era, under the guise of ‘spreading the true faith.’

Due to scientific advances, Rael said, humanity now realizes that the universe is infinite, and that we can cure all diseases – which are natural phenomena, not the punishment of some sadistic god. “Even death will be suppressed, thanks to cloning,” he said.

He said people now realize that women are equal to men and that they have the right to decide whether they want to have a baby or not.

“Thanks to contraception and abortion, they know that a baby – even the pope – is not ‘a gift from god’ but the fruit of the meeting between a sperm and an ovum,” Rael said. “And people also know that gay people are not ‘sinners,’ since homosexuality is genetic, and that there is no such thing as original sin. The concept of everyone being born guilty – even before doing anything – was used to spread guilt, in the name of ‘a god of love.’

Rael pointed out that people today know that sex is good, that it’s the most natural pleasure, and that it can be enjoyed freely without deciding to create a child.

“It’s to be expected that the new humanity, freed from superstitions, is staying far away from churches and temples and visiting sex shops and swingers clubs instead,” Rael said. “That’s why European churches are empty, and it’s why there are no new priests to replace the old ones. The purpose of life is to be happy, spread love, happiness and peace. That purpose can be achieved much more successfully without the concept of a god. The church is dead, but not god, for he was never alive in the first place. He never existed!”