Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:01 a.m. No.17890717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0984 >>1899

UPDATE: The Board of Elections of Cobb County, Georgia reaches tentative agreement with @ACLUand @splcenter to extend the absentee ballot receipt deadline to Dec. 9 for some voters after the county failed to mail out 3,400 absentee ballots on time.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:07 a.m. No.17891534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Big Tech Censorship Is the Largest Campaign Finance Violation in History Costing Americans Billions


Big Tech censorship is the largest campaign finance violation ever and the cost to Americans is in the billions.


Engineer and data expert, Chris Gleason has been reaching out to Florida politicians since early 2021 to get them to look a the real cost of Facebook and Twitter’s actions of censoring and de-platforming conservative websites. He’s received little to no response to date.


With the information released by Twitter this past weekend, the cost of Twitter’s actions related to US politics is now very relevant.


In a letter to the top government officials in Florida this weekend, Gleason said in part:


Perhaps, now in light of Elon Musk confirming the information that I have presented to you several times now, someone within the state of Florida and their “Election Crimes Division” will take some action. At some point surely someone in Florida government will honor their oath of office…How many felonies must I personally bring to your attention before you take definitive action? I have brought to you the largest cases of campaign finance violations in the United States and Florida history.


Gleason is referring to his emails from as early as January of 2021 when he shared with the Florida leadership team about the costs of Big Tech meddling in US Elections. Gleason shared in a February 2021 email his concerns about the egregious violations of both Federal and State campaign finance laws by BigTech:


I am particularly concerned about the violations by Facebook, Twitter, Google and the C Suite executives at these companies. The concerns that I have currently if not immediately and properly addressed will affect political candidates who are not preferred by BigTech to ever win another election again.


Prior to the 2018 midterm elections Facebook, Twitter, Google and Patreon conspired to deplatform accounts, pages and groups that supported the opponents of their preferred candidates. These actions were taken while claiming to protect the integrity of the election from inauthentic activity by bad actors such as Russian bot farms, and fake news websites that monetize content through advertising. At the time I had an extensive presence across numerous social media platforms with millions of fans/followers and over 100 million weekly post views. Since my deplatforming in the weeks leading up to the 2018 midterm elections I have been desperately trying to bring attention to these serious crimes being committed by these Big Tech executives.


I am involved in technology as a profession and I have a unique insight as to what is really going on with BigTech and to the extent of how this illegal behavior goes right to the C Suite at these companies. I had a four-year working relationship with Chuck Rossi, the now former head of engineering at Facebook. We worked together from 2014 to 2018 restoring Facebook profiles, pages and groups who had been unfairly deplatformed. Chuck Rossi was the individual at Facebook who reviewed and approved every single line of code that was pushed to Facebook’s servers. Prior to working at Facebook Chuck Rossi was employed by Google in a similar capacity. Rossi left Google when he could no longer tolerate their unethical behavior.




Having posting issues

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:12 a.m. No.17892230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4778

Top Marine Corps General Says COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Has Led to Decline in Military Recruitment


A top general in the Marine Corps has acknowledged that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is hampering its recruitment goals, but he credited the requirement with keeping military personnel healthy.


Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger made the comments during a panel discussion at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California, on Dec. 3.


“Where it is having an impact for sure is on recruiting, where in parts of the country there’s still myths and misbeliefs about the backstory behind it,” Berger said, reported.


The general noted that the requirement for military personnel to be fully vaccinated has created recruitment issues in the south of the country in particular.


“There was not accurate information out early on and it was very politicized and people make decisions and they still have those same beliefs. That’s hard to work your way past, really hard to work,” he said.


However, Berger also credited the vaccines for preventing deaths among the Marines, stating that they were needed in order to “maintain a healthy unit that can deploy, on ship, ashore.”


Berger’s comments come as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has pledged not to pass the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) if the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate remains in place.

Military Not Meeting Recruitment Goals Right Now


Speaking on the “Ingraham Angle” on Monday, McCarthy, who looks set to be the next speaker of the House, said he has spoken with President Joe Biden regarding the bill and made it “very clear from the very beginning,” that the NDAA will not pass unless the vaccine mandate for military men and women is lifted, citing a decline in recruitment.


The vaccine mandate was announced by the Marine Corps in September 2021 and has faced multiple legal challenges.


“Why? They are not meeting the recruitment goals right now because of this. People are leaving,” McCarthy said. “I told the president if we don’t have the lifting of the vaccine, I’ll do it in January.”


As of August, 3,299 Marines had been separated from the Corps for refusing to get vaccinated, Marine Corps Times reported. Separate data from the Defense Department peg that number at 3,717.


Meanwhile, roughly 96 percent of the Marines’ active-duty force is fully vaccinated, according to the latest monthly COVID-19 update from the Marines (pdf), while 99 percent are at least partially vaccinated.


A total of 96 percent of reserves are fully vaccinated and another 96 percent are partially vaccinated too, according to the update.


The White House has said Biden is considering dropping the mandate but that he ultimately supports Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recommendation to keep it in place.


“Discussions about the NDAA are ongoing,” White House spokeswoman Olivia Dalton said on Monday.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:14 a.m. No.17892575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3198

Broken: Despite Massive Military Spending, America’s Bases Are Literally Falling Apart


Despite the trillions of dollars Congress has spent on the U.S. military in the past decade, American military bases are crumbling to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars in deferred maintenance.


Since 2008, the U.S. has spent over $600 billion annually on military spending, with 2021 coming in at just over $800 billion. However, despite the ballooning budget, maintenance is consistently put off, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) found.


“Today, the U.S. Navy maintains some of their fifth-generation fighters with advanced avionics in pre-first-generation–World War II– aviation maintenance facilities,” AEI senior fellow Mackenzie Eaglen said. “One naval air station in the U.S. has power for just two of their eight hangar bays for aircraft upkeep.”


Much of the U.S. military’s equipment is being housed and maintained on bases and in hangers built over 70 years ago, with nearly 30% of its facilities in use well past their expected lifespans, according to a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report.


Despite the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) already having $137 billion in deferred maintenance backlogs, the GAO found that the U.S. military budget compounds the maintenance issues by consistently underestimating the amount needed to keep these outdated facilities functional.


From 2017 to 2020, maintenance on the around 160,000 U.S. military facilities worldwide still in use past their expected expiration required $47.5 billion in funding, while the DoD’s budget allocated just $38.3 billion, a shortfall of over $9 billion, GAO reported. “Installation officials stated that deferred maintenance leads to the premature failure of facility systems and often leads to more costly repairs and that maintenance is most often delayed for lower-priority facilities such as living quarters and childcare facilities,” the GAO report stated.


The U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report in November detailing the high cost of modernizing the U.S. Army’s buildings. Of the 500,000 Army facilities, the CBO audited around 49,000, finding $19 billion in backlogged repairs and concluding that it would cost another $34 billion to renovate the outdated structures.


Thirty-three percent of all Army buildings “required minimal, significant, or major work,” the CBO reported, with 16% of those structures requiring “significant” renovations and 6% needing “major” repairs. The Army bases with the highest deferred maintenance costs were Fort Bragg in North Carolina and U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii, according to the CBO.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:27 a.m. No.17894493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4637

'I try to undermine that BS in my classroom': English teacher claims teaching kids 'how to write properly' is rooted in white supremacy


A California English teacher recently posted several controversial videos on social media claiming that teaching children "how to write properly" is rooted in white supremacy and vowed to begin the school year with a different approach to teaching linguistics, Fox News Digital reported.


Marta Shaffer, an English teacher at Oroville High School in northern California, posted videos to TikTok claiming that white supremacy culture "runs deep" in public schools.


"What do I mean by that?" Shaffer stated. "Well, let's look at how we write essays: Start with an introduction that includes a thesis; always cite your sources; use transition words like 'however' and 'therefore.' They are all made-up rules. They're arbitrary. They were created by Westerners in power."


According to Shaffer, the IQ bell curve and the SAT are also problematic and "racist."


"The writers of these tests were made up almost entirely of white people … and they still are," she said.


In Shaffer's social media bio, which she recently deleted, she described herself as an ally to LGBT youth and "another cringey millennial."


"As an educator, I am constantly worried if I am part of the problem," stated Shaffer. "Public education is an institution that upholds lots of problematic systems in our society like white supremacy and misogyny and colonization, etc. I try to undermine that B.S. in my classroom as much as I can."


Shaffer referred to writing rules and proper grammar as the "language of power" and said she would start the school year with a unit "honoring how we talk rather than teaching students how to write properly."

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:28 a.m. No.17894562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'I try to undermine that BS in my classroom': English teacher claims teaching kids 'how to write properly' is rooted in white supremacy


A California English teacher recently posted several controversial videos on social media claiming that teaching children "how to write properly" is rooted in white supremacy and vowed to begin the school year with a different approach to teaching linguistics, Fox News Digital reported.


Marta Shaffer, an English teacher at Oroville High School in northern California, posted videos to TikTok claiming that white supremacy culture "runs deep" in public schools.


"What do I mean by that?" Shaffer stated. "Well, let's look at how we write essays: Start with an introduction that includes a thesis; always cite your sources; use transition words like 'however' and 'therefore.' They are all made-up rules. They're arbitrary. They were created by Westerners in power."


According to Shaffer, the IQ bell curve and the SAT are also problematic and "racist."


"The writers of these tests were made up almost entirely of white people … and they still are," she said.


In Shaffer's social media bio, which she recently deleted, she described herself as an ally to LGBT youth and "another cringey millennial."


"As an educator, I am constantly worried if I am part of the problem," stated Shaffer. "Public education is an institution that upholds lots of problematic systems in our society like white supremacy and misogyny and colonization, etc. I try to undermine that B.S. in my classroom as much as I can."


Shaffer referred to writing rules and proper grammar as the "language of power" and said she would start the school year with a unit "honoring how we talk rather than teaching students how to write properly."

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.17894595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4651

Google Photos tests new search function to let you find people by their face


Only some users are seeing the new function.



The Google Photos app appears to be testing out a new handy search function. The function has replaced the Google Lens button on the app for some people.


When looking at photos in the image viewer in Google Photos, you may have noticed the Google Lens icon among the share, edit, and delete options at the bottom of the screen. Tapping it allows you to do everything from translating words to finding similar images on the web. However, that doesn’t exactly help with searching for people through your own photos.


But, as discovered by Android Police, it seems Google is testing out a new search function that should make searching for people a little easier. When using the function on an image with a face on it, search will reportedly detect the face and do a reverse search to find other photos with that face in it.


Although the Google Lens button has been swapped out with the new search button for some, it doesn’t seem like it’s replacing Google Lens. In fact, it’s more like just an enhancement of what was already there.


Apparently, if you tap on a face, the app will show you other photos with that person. But, if you tap on a different part of the photo away from the face, the app seamlessly switches back to Google Lens.


Since it seems the button has only appeared for some Android users, it’s likely just a limited test. So if you’re not seeing it in your Google Photos app, then you’re not alone.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:36 a.m. No.17894610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tulsi Gabbard answers the question about her involvement with the World Economic Forum.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.17894621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Jewish Is the War Against Russia? Let’s be honest about who is promoting it


Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has mentioned Israel in this conference and we all know it’s American Jews with all their money and power who are supporting every war in the Middle East for Netanyahu? Shouldn’t we start calling them out and not letting them get away with it?”


In my article I named many of the individual Jews and Jewish groups that had been leading the charge to invade Iraq and also deal with Iran along the way. They used fake intelligence and out-and-out lies to make their case and never addressed the central issue of how those two countries actually threatened the United States or its vital interests. And when they succeeded in committing the US to the fiasco in Iraq, as far as I can determine only one honest Jew who had participated in the process, Philip Zelikow, in a moment of candor, admitted that the Iraq War, in his opinion, was fought for Israel.


There was considerable collusion between the Israeli government and the Jews in the Pentagon, White House, National Security Council and State Department in the wake of 9/11. Under President George W. Bush, Israeli Embassy staff uniquely had free access to the Pentagon office of Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, not being required to sign in or submit any security measures. It was a powerful indication of the special status that Israel enjoyed with top Jews in the Bush Administration. It should also be recalled that Doug Feith’s Office of Special Plans was the source of the false WMD information used by the Administration to justify invading Iraq, while that information was also funneled directly to Vice President Dick Cheney without any submission to possibly critical analysts by his chief of Staff “Scooter” Libby. Wolfowitz, Feith and Libby were of course Jewish as were many on their staffs and Feith’s relationship with Israel was so close that he actually partnered in a law firm that had a branch in Jerusalem. Feith also served on the board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), which is dedicated to nurturing the relationship between the US and Israel.


Currently, the top three State Department officials (Tony Blinken, Wendy Sherman and Victoria Nuland) are all Zionist Jews. The head of the Department of Homeland Security, which is hot on the trail of domestic “terrorist” dissidents, is also Jewish as is the Attorney General and the president’s chief of staff. They and their boss Joe Biden do not seem concerned that their client Ukraine is no democracy. The nation’s current government came into power after the 2014 coup engineered by President Barack Obama’s State Department at an estimated cost of $5 billion. The regime change carried out under Barack Obama was driven by State Department Russophobe Victoria Nuland with a little help from international globalist George Soros. It removed the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych who was, unfortunately for him, a friend of Russia.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.17894663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK agrees with Ukraine to “cooperate” on & implement Digital IDs


At the end of November Member of Parliament and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch met in London with Ukrainian officials to agree on a “ground-breaking digital trade deal” called the Digital Trade Agreement (“DTA”). As an example of the “need” for the digital trade deal the UK government website specifies:


There is a critical need for people to be able to use digital solutions to prove they are who they say they are, despite the loss of critical documentation or displacement across borders. The agreement provides a framework for the UK and Ukraine to cooperate to promote compatibility between their respective digital identity systems to help address this.

UK and Ukraine agree ground-breaking digital trade deal, UK Department for International Trade, 30 November 2022


A summary of the DTA makes it clear that the Ukrainian government has been prioritising the most important things during a time of war, as anyone would when they are under attack: “Ukraine has strong digital aspirations, and they have identified greater digitalisation of the economy as one of their main areas of focus.” And then, lest we forget, the UK government’s summary reminds us that Ukraine is in fact in the middle of a devastating war: “Putin’s large-scale aggression against the people of Ukraine is causing severe disruptions to their economy.”


The summary goes on to list the areas that are covered in the DTA:


Ukraine’s First Deputy PM and Minister for Trade and Economy Yulia Svyrydenko said:


This digital trade agreement illustrates that Ukrainian IT companies operating in Ukraine are in demand around the world … Ukraine will have guaranteed access to [ ] financial services.


As a global leader in digital, the UK is ideally positioned to aid Ukraine’s post-conflict transition to a digital economy, with over two-thirds of our services exports to Ukraine already digitally delivered.

UK and Ukraine agree ground-breaking digital trade deal, UK Department for International Trade, 30 November 2022


The UK-Ukraine DTA also has a provision for collaborating on digital identity, where Ukraine supposedly has a lot to teach the UK about ID tracking tech and using digital ID to access services.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:56 a.m. No.17894673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4681

YouTuber Ethan Klein Celebrates The Murder of Christ: "If Jesus Was Here I'd Spear Him! I Liked It The First Time And I'd Do It Again!"


YouTuber Ethan Klein told his nearly 3 million subscribers he wants to get together with his "Jewish brothers" and murder Jesus Christ "again" because he "liked it the first time" and would love to "do it again!"


After watching a clip of Christian nationalist Nick Fuentes saying the "real Holocaust" was "Jesus Christ being crucified," Klein claimed it's "anti-Semitic propaganda" that Jews killed Jesus and added: "Why are you mad at Jews for killing Jesus, he's God, the motherf**ker is infallible God, like this is all– why you mad at me bro? This is what he wanted."


"I'd do it again!" Klein shouted during his show on Thursday. "Give me the spear btch! I'll f*ing do it again!"


"If Jesus was here on a cross, I'd spear him!" he continued.


"That'd be funny if he got banned [from YouTube] for that," his co-host Hasan Piker said.


"No, I'm not gonna get in trouble for that," Klein said confidently.


"Give me the hammer and the spikes, I'm putting his ass up there!" Klein shouted again. "I'll do it again, I liked it the first time and I'll do it again, Nick [Fuentes]! I'm getting on a call with all my Jewish brothers and sisters!"


"You know what I'm planning this Christmas? A mock execution of Jesus Christ! Dedicated to Nick Fuentes!" he said.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:57 a.m. No.17894678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4701

Judge Rules on Lawsuit Against FDA Over Ivermectin - throws it out

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 10:59 a.m. No.17894686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

910 potential victims of human trafficking identified across Europe


A total of 636 suspects were arrested in October during large-scale EMPACT Joint Action Days


In total, 34 countries across Europe, supported by EU agencies and international organisations*, took part in these large-scale coordinated actions. The EMPACT Joint Action Days were planned based on an intelligence-led approach in which police, customs, immigration agencies and border control agencies joined forces.

Checks at borders and locations vulnerable to exploitation


In the framework of the EMPACT Joint Action Days, national authorities targeted human trafficking for sexual exploitation, forced begging and forced criminality. Officers made special checks at borders, bus and train stations, and locations vulnerable to exploitation such as brothels, massage parlours, shelters for families, shelters for victims of domestic violence and hospitals. National authorities also performed preventive actions. For example, Romanian authorities conducted awareness-raising and preventive activities to identify potential victims of human trafficking on their way to destination countries. These activities focused on checks and controls of persons and vehicles, controls in street prostitution areas, and awareness-raising of the threat of human trafficking and exploitation.


National authorities developed a number of investigations linked to the action days. One example is the identification of an individual suspected of child sexual exploitation in Croatia. The suspect was luring victims, mainly minors, via social networks. The investigative activities led to the identification of 16 victims, 14 of which were minors.


UK authorities also conducted focused activities targeting child sexual exploitation. Police forces visited children vulnerable to exploitation and disseminated training materials to hotels and local authorities to help identify children in need of help. During the JAD, approximately 20 % of potential victims identified in the United Kingdom were minors.

Results of the actions targeting human trafficking


254 arrests;

910 potential victims identified;

115 suspected traffickers identified;

18 430 officers involved;

205 new cases opened.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 11:01 a.m. No.17894691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Criminal Charges Unsealed Against 12 Individuals in Wide-Ranging Scheme to Monopolize Transmigrante Industry and Extort Competitors Near U.S.-Mexico Border


Charges Include Use of Violence, Threats and Extortion to Fix Prices, Allocate the Market and Eliminate Competition

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 11:03 a.m. No.17894705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Imports From Russia Doubled From September to October, Trade Data Shows


Despite US attempts to strangle the Russian economy, Moscow has successfully found new markets for its biggest exports, including energy products. However, the United States has also continued to buy Russian goods, even increasing its imports in recent months.

In October 2022, the value of US imports from the Russian Federation were more than twice that imported the month prior, according to the latest trade data from the US Census Bureau.


Data on the US-Russia trade deficit shows that in September, the US imported $332.1 million worth of goods from Russia, but in October, it imported $732 million in goods - a $400 million increase.

However, the total trade volume is still far below that of January, when the US imported $1.2 billion in Russian goods. After Moscow launched its special operation in Ukraine in February, the Biden administration severed trade in several goods, most importantly petroleum, gas, and coal products, but also seafood products, alcohol, and non-industrial diamonds.

While specific data from October was not yet available, September data showed fertilizer was the largest US import, even greater than that seen in February. Iron and steel, as well as nonferrous metals, have also formed a sizable part of US purchases from Russia.

The US has tried to push its own boycott of Russian energy exports onto other nations, so far without much success. The European Union and India remain major customers for Russian energy, although the EU has attempted to follow in Washington’s footsteps, despite the detrimental effect on its own economy and society, which has already sparked massive unrest.

On Monday, the Group of Seven, which includes the US, Japan, and several Western European nations, officially imposed a $60-per-barrel price cap on Russian oil purchases.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 11:09 a.m. No.17894731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4765 >>4803

Special Counsel Jack Smith Expands Fishing Expedition, Subpoenas Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin Officials For Trump Communications Related to 2020 Election


Special Counsel Jack Smith expanded his fishing expedition and has subpoenaed Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin officials for their communications with Trump in his effort to contest the 2020 election.


So Biden’s Justice Department is actually working to bar Trump from running for office.


Recall, Biden’s corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland last month appointed Jack Smith to investigate whether Trump committed any crimes.


The special counsel investigation will focus on whether Trump broke the law when he took White House records to Mar-a-Lago and the other part of the probe is related to January 6.


However, according to the Washington Post, Jack Smith has now expanded his investigation and is looking into Trump’s efforts to fight the massive 2020 election fraud operation in key swing states.


The investigation is targeting specific counties in swing states such as Maricopa County, which is ground zero for massive Democrat election fraud.


“The Arizona subpoena was addressed to Maricopa County’s elections department, while the Wisconsin versions were addressed to the Milwaukee and Dane clerks. All seek communications from June 1, 2020, through Jan. 20, 2021.” the Washington Post reported.


The subpoenas, which were issued by Jack Smith and co-signed by Assistant US Attorney Matt Burke, are dated November 22 – just days after Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as special counsel which means he wasted no time getting to work.


These are the first known subpoenas issued by the new special counsel.


The Washington Post reported:


Special counsel Jack Smith has subpoenaed local officials in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin — three states that were central to former president Donald Trump’s failed plan to stay in power following the 2020 election — for any and all communications with Trump, his campaign and a long list of aides and allies.


The requests for records arrived in Dane County, Wis.; Maricopa County, Ariz.; and Wayne County, Mich., late last week, and in Milwaukee on Monday, officials said. They are among the first known subpoenas issued by Smith, who was named last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland to oversee the Jan. 6 Capitol attack case as well as the criminal probe of Trump’s possible mishandling of classified documents at his Florida home.


The subpoenas, at least three of which are dated Nov. 22, show that Smith is extending the Justice Department’s examination of the circumstances leading up to the Capitol attack to include local election officials and their potential interactions with the former president and his representatives. The virtually identical requests to Arizona and Wisconsin name Trump individually, in addition to employees, agents and attorneys for his campaign. Details of the Michigan subpoena, confirmed by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, were not immediately available.

Anonymous ID: fb3b4b Dec. 6, 2022, 11:21 a.m. No.17894775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Women being in politics matters." - @JuliaGillard

on lessons learned throughout her career and work with @GIWLkings

. #WomensVoices |