Anonymous ID: 5542cd June 17, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.1790914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0958 >>1005 >>1008

>>1766802 Reporting back with analysis on pp 520-540 + 541.

>>1773274 Thanks for your summary, anon.


Page 522 (493), 3rd Paragraph re: Mike Kortan.


Mike Kortan was tight with Comey:


Apparently Kortan was consulted every step of the way before the CF Vault came out:


So if these other offices had to check with Kortan that many times before releasing, I'm assuming Kortan had to have raised the matter with Godfather Comey. The IG Report doesn't expressly lay out any of Jimmy's re/actions with regard to the CF release, so I'm guessing that part's been redacted. Because I can't believe Comey didn't have his fingers in it somehow. Either way, the CF Vault got released – Kortan raised no objections, so maybe the Godfather didn't either. But then, why isn't that noted in the report? Keep in mind, per Q, Kortan's bringing the goods…on the Godfather himself, I'd guess.


Page 526 (497), 3rd Paragraph re: Bias by PS, LP, et al.


The "we'll stop it" text was on August 8, 2016.

Strzok's mishandling of Weinerhead's laptop goes back to a Q post, but I'll address that in the next post.


Page 527 (498), 1st Full Paragraph re: PADAG Axelrod.


PADAG (Axelrod?) Phone Call to McCabe on August 12, 2016:


Pretty sure what freaked Page and Strzok on August 8 had something to do with Andy's dramatic phone with Axelrod on August 12 or vice versa. FBIAnon told us the HRC email investigation was peanuts, that it was the Clinton Foundation that'd bring the fruit. Based on Andy and the bunch freaking out, plus the fact the RIDS office was already looking at releasing CF docs in August (Page 520), FBIAnon was right!


To be continued…

Anonymous ID: 5542cd June 17, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.1790958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1005 >>1008

Continued from: >>1790914


Page 536, under Response Summary.


The FBI doesn't actually say if it outright agrees that Comey was insubordinate. Hmm…


Page 538, under 2.Violation of Policies by Comey.


"Violated media policy and regulations" - "committed a serious error in judgment" - language is not overly harsh here, makes Comey seem only incompetent, so naturally the FBI agrees with the IG's findings! "[U]surpation of the Attorney General's authority" is pretty harsh, but the FBI still gives no indication it thinks Jimmy was the evil mastermind of anything. Of course I'm exaggeratting for effect, but you get the point, that whoever wrote this wanted the appearance of the FBI being noncommittal here.


Page 540, under 5. Personal Email Accounts.


The FBI notes there is no indication that classified material was transmitted, huh? Then where the hell are their gmail drafts?! We should be able to see them yesterday, right?


Page 540, under 6. Missteps re: Weiner's Laptop.


Thought: were they REALLY able to thoroughly investigate the laptop if they are regretful about not obtaining it sooner? Why are they regretful? We know why…they know why…Strzok and the gang were hiding the worst of the worst from the world…Q asked us to build a timeline in February…this is part of it. Just read the texts…I think they DID know about it sooner, some of them anyway, long before the end of September…like maybe in early August?


Remember Huma dropped Weiner at the end of August:


The best part? I think Comey had some or all of the Weiner files in his office when he got shitcanned…based on the file inventory made and eventually released to the FBI Vault.


Pic Related, Page 21, Number 26 re: Child Crime Folders (found here):


Refer back to Page 323 of the IG Report, the part about "Crime Against Children."


And I see you, Jimmy, tweeting about gnomes and gardens and crops…we all see you…


Page 541, under 7. re: "Insubordination" by Comey.


Again, the FBI doesn't actually say if it agrees that Jimmy was insubordinate. Why?


Jimmy's in trouble…