Anonymous ID: 964181 Dec. 11, 2022, 5:18 a.m. No.17923007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3026 >>3047 >>3063 >>3075


We have to remember who wrote the history.

What we were taught is not what it seems to be.

Bury Hitler's goal/truth and blast the atrocities.

If we compare what is happening today to what happened back then, we can clearly see that Hitler was fighting the same enemy that we are today.

Only we know way moar due to the digital age.

Top evil are "The Aristocrats."

If you're evil but not in the Big Club, you're just evil's fodder.

Albeit, he went about the cleanse, thinking it was only the Jews, but today we see it is pure evil no matter what race, relegion, creed, gender, et cetera.

Everything evil likes to divide us by.

Think of the Mason's and how they accept ANYBODY from any race, relegion, creed, gender, et cetera.

See the correlation?


Imagine if Trump went about cleaning up evil the same way Hitler tried as lightly touched on in the pik.

Shutting down MSM, Big Tech, and arresting all of the Devil's Agents (D'sAs) would not go down well for all the normies (aka sheeple, aka those still asleep) who were still asleep in 2017.

It led to a kinetic WW II , and we now know that evil won.

The Greatest Generation were a bunch of normies.

Bless their hearts, for they thought they were fighting the good fight.

Patton was right, and the D'sAs took him out as well.

JFK tried also, and the D'sAs assassinated someone.

Yes, it could have been a body double being that we really don't know the whole truth on that matter.

The internet age gave God's Warriors (G'sWs,) aka White Hat's, the ability to track, see, and hear all.

But G'sWs still need the backing of the people Worldwide (WW,) not just in the United States.

We're in WW III 5th generation warfare (5GW) style, not just a civil 5GW war in the U.S.

It's taking so long because it IS WW, and certain goals need to be accomplished first before justice is meted out in mettled fashion.

JFK's plan (Plan,) I believe, is the same Plan we are in currently, only revised.

For all we know, the Plan could have started after Patton was taken out.

Or even since evil had the Roman's kill Jesus Christ.

Notice I didn't say Jews.

Evil infiltrates all.

Evil inside today's Jews is because it's been a good grift for so long.

Think how the Italian Mafia has rules to keep it away from the family and ordinary people.

They had accidental violent spillover, but it was mostly those playing the game or doing business with those in the game that got whacked.

Neighborhoods were safe, and street crime was low, albeit for their own group and friends of like kind.

The Mafia only formed to begin with because of evil in the first place keeping the Italians divided and exploiting them.

But evil in government and evil infiltration in the Mafia itself had other ideas.

Evil will take down a full jetliner to kill one person.

Personally, I'd rather have the Mafia self regulate and keep the normal people safe in a world controlled by evil.

The evil guys made bad guys look like the only bad guys in town.

If only there were no evil in the Mafia, but like I said, evil infiltrates all.

But imagine your country controlled by good people instead, will a Constitution for the people's rights.

Good governship would have us in a world were we wouldn't want an escape to drugs or some other vice.

We would be having too much fun otherwise with our family and friends.

If we protect the children, they wouldn't grow up with evil ideas in their head.

We were all children once.

There are instances in my childhood I wish never happened.

I wish those instances never to happen to other children.

It's time to break the chains.

Anyway, Jesus was disrupting evil's grift and control of the people.

Didn't he walk in, fuck shit up, and walk out of their bank?

I mean temple.

History repeats.

Now we're in a final showdown, and evils world control will be destroyed.

The simplest way to define the Plan is: The taking down of the D'sAs WW and restore power back to the people.

JFK probably had G'sWs surrounding him also, but in the background.

The C_A assassinated a person in 1963, but they did not kill the Plan.

Devolution could have been ongoing since '63 tucked away in a corner out of sight from the D'sAs.

A retreat, if you will, of G'sWs.

Yet, the C_A still punished the Kennedy Clan over the years, but the Plan survived.

You are here.

Pop moar corn!

Light salt and butter, unpoisoned plweez.