Anonymous ID: 5c92a9 Dec. 11, 2022, 1:42 p.m. No.17924879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4912

>>17923962, >>17924126 McCarthy vows to subpoena 51 ex-intel chiefs who called Post Biden expose 'disinformation'


The only reason to do this is to justify taking their security clearances away, they need to do this. Should have done it a long time ago, especially for obama admin, and current obidan admin. They freely lie to congress with no punishment

Anonymous ID: 5c92a9 Dec. 11, 2022, 1:47 p.m. No.17924902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4913 >>5077 >>5095 >>5244 >>5365

Wow, Ya think???


FBI seeks links between power grid attacks in North, South Carolina


The FBI is currently seeking potential links between recent attacks on North Carolina power stations and a separate incident in South Carolina that occurred days later.


Two Duke Energy power substations in Moore County, N.C., sustained damage from gunfire last weekend, leaving tens of thousands without power for several days. A separate gun-related incident on Wednesday saw an individual with a rifle open fire roughly one half of a mile away from a third Duke Energy power station in South Carolina. There were neither injuries nor power outages as a result of the South Carolina episode.


Kershaw County Sheriff Lee Boan said on Thursday that there was no evidence the gunman had aimed for the power station. "I currently have no reason to believe this shooting incident has anything to do with an attack on the hydro station," NBC News reported him as saying. "As of right now, I'm just not seeing the connection between the two."


Nevertheless, the bureau is analyzing shell casings found from both sites, attempting to discern any potential links. No suspects have yet been identified in the North Carolina shootings, though law enforcement agencies have issued "active warrants" for suspects, Moreover, Moore County and Duke Energy have pooled together to offer cash rewards for information on the attack's perpetrators

Anonymous ID: 5c92a9 Dec. 11, 2022, 1:55 p.m. No.17924940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5095 >>5244 >>5365

Give me a freakin break, this guy has not even sponsored a bill, he was the head of the VA commission in Senate while veterans were dying left and right. He’ll be 83, and he’s never going to accomplish anything! Controlled op so takes voters away from real candidates. He gets paid off each time he looses! Since when is it ok when an old fart had a heart attack or a stroke, and they are allowed to run for anything?


Sanders, 81, (marxist/communist) will probably take 'hard look' at 2024 presidential bid if Biden doesn't run, adviser


A top adviser for Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders thinks the 81-year-old senator will take a "hard look" at the third presidential bid if President Joe Biden does not seek reelection.


"I assume that he would give it a hard look," political adviser Faiz Shakir told CBS News on Thursday. "I don’t want to make the judgment for him. Obviously, it would be his choice to make. But I assume that he would want to reevaluate it."


Sander is an Independent and self-proclaimed democratic-socialist who ran on the Democrat ticket in 2016 and 2020.


Shakir, who was Sanders' 2020 campaign manager, also said the senator is "very aware that he’s older now and he’d have to make a real judgment about his own vigor and his stamina and his desire and hunger and passion to do this a third time. But if it were an open field? Yeah, I'm confident he would take another look at it and say, 'Do I want to do this or not?' "


Biden has said that he is planning to run for reelection in 2024. A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll found 56% of Democrats wanted a 2024 candidate other than Biden.

Anonymous ID: 5c92a9 Dec. 11, 2022, 2:03 p.m. No.17924982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5095 >>5244 >>5365

This guy got like 2% of the vote in CA for governor.What makes him think its a good idea to challenge Trump? All the semi committed MAGA making themselves known!


Larry Elder hints at 2024 presidential run with a platform of restoring the nuclear family (not exactly ground breaking when Trump has been talking about this for years, and did more for black people ever)


Conservative commentator and former California GOP gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder hinted at a possible presidential 2024 run, with one of his main issues being the importance of restoring the nuclear family.


"I'm thinking about throwing my 'Black Face of White Supremacy' in the contest in 2024," Elder said on an episode of the John Solomon Reports podcast to be aired Friday. "I'm giving it real thought. I've been to Iowa about four or five times in the last month. I've been to New Hampshire. If I decide to do it, I'll make an announcement sometime in February or March."


Elder was referring to when he ran for California governor, and the Los Angeles Times wrote a column referring to him as the "Black Face of White Supremacy."


Elder said that if he were to run, the No. 1 issue he would father absence in families and the importance of restoring the nuclear family.


"I have a couple of issues that I think I can bring to the table in a way more authentic than some of my other rivals can and that is the No. 1 problem facing this country is a large number of children in the world without a father married to the mother in the home," he said.


Former President Barack Obama noted that father absence was a big issue when he ran for president in 2008 in which he discussed the importance of fathers in children's lives.


"Obama once said a kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor, nine times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in jail," Elder said. "Now the question is, why have we gone from 25% of black kids entering the world without a father in the home married to the mother to 70%?"


"We've incentivized women to marry the government," he also said, suggesting many single-parent women must rely on government money to help them make ends meet. "We've incentivized men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. And I've seen it firsthand in the inner city where I grew up."


Elder said that notions that America is systemically racist is a myth and the real issue is the nuclear family declining in the black community and he can bring awareness to that.


"It is nonsense that America is systemically racist," he concluded. "I think I can talk about that in a way more persuasive and more passionately than maybe some of my other rivals can."

Anonymous ID: 5c92a9 Dec. 11, 2022, 2:17 p.m. No.17925054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gen-Z's first congressman-elect says he was denied a lease in D.C. due to 'really bad' credit

(Yes this is who the public is electing that vote for the budget of the US every year. I’m sure he’ll vote to fund Ukraine more. Yikes, there should be some “good standing” rules limiting these people)


Florida Democratic Rep.-elect Maxwell Alejandro Frost says he was denied a lease on a Washington, D.C., apartment after the landlord initially told him that his bad credit wouldn't matter.


Frost is slated to become the first Gen-Z lawmaker in Washington when the next Congress is sworn in in January. He was previously a community organizer and will take over the seat of Democratic Rep. Val Demings, who unsuccessfully challenged Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio for his seat in the upper chamber in November.


"Just applied to an apartment in DC where I told the guy that my credit was really bad. He said I'd be fine," he tweeted Thursday. "Got denied, lost the apartment, and the application fee. This ain't meant for people who don't already have money."


The Democrat further asserted that he had accumulated considerable debt while running for office and that had damaged his credit rating. "It isn't magic that we won our very difficult race," he said in a subsequent post. "For that primary, I quit my full-time job cause I knew that to win at 25 yrs old, I'd need to be a full-time candidate. 7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day. It's not sustainable or right but it's what we had to do."


The cost of living in Washington, D.C. has increased considerably over the years, more than tripling in the 2000-2018 window alone, according to SmartAsset. The average rent on an apartment in the district stands at $2,335 per month, according to RentCafe.


(His story sounds like bullshit)

Anonymous ID: 5c92a9 Dec. 11, 2022, 3:23 p.m. No.17925372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5409

He’s desperately insane, no one likes him, left and right. They are desperatekekkity, in what world do they live in?


John Bolton confirms possible presidential run; wants to get the GOP past Donald Trump


Former United States National Security Advisor John Bolton said Wednesday that he is considering running for president in 2024 if he doesn't see any good options.


"If others don't, aren't going to do it, I'm prepared to do it," Bolton said on the John Solomon Reports podcast.

Amb. John Bolton says he’s ‘prepared’ to run in 2024 to stop Trump, after recent Constitution remarksAmb. John Bolton says he’s ‘prepared’ to run in 2024 to stop Trump, after recent Constitution remarks


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Bolton said that this isn't the first time he has considered running for president and actually considered a run back in 2016.


"Back in 2016, I took a pretty serious look at getting into the race in that cycle," he said. "I went to Iowa and New Hampshire, and I did the candidate forms and I actually took my wife and daughter to New Hampshire to see how they liked campaigning, because that's a pretty serious decision for the family. Ultimately, I decided not to do it."


With regard to the direction that the Republican Party is going, Bolton said that it needs to move away from former President Donald Trump.


"There are a lot of reasons to be concerned about Trump's role in the party," Bolton stated. "I just for these purposes, stress the practical political role. We need to govern, we need to get control of the House and the Senate, and obviously in 2024 in the White House, and the rule that we ought to follow should be to make sure we can get people elected in November."


If Bolton were to become president, one of the first things he said he would do is focus on censorship and the First Amendment.


"I would repeal section 230 of the Communications Act, which gives these big social media platforms effective immunity for their actions," Bolton said. "I think if they want to put stuff on their website, they have to be held responsible for it. And they can't have it both ways." (Delusional, wtf do they think Trump pushed for 4 years)


Its almost laughable that anyone would vote for him. There’s a reason they left NH in 2016!