Anonymous ID: fb2716 Dec. 11, 2022, 1:32 p.m. No.17924817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4834 >>4840 >>5049 >>5095 >>5244 >>5365

Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: 'destroyed my life'


'I destroyed my life. I'm not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help,' the retired Navy SEAL said


A retired Navy SEAL who became famous nearly 10 years ago after coming out as transgender announced he is detransitioning and called on Americans to "wake up" about how transgender health services are hurting children.


"Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it," Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. "Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I'm not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help."


"I take full responsibility," he continued. "I went on CNN and everything else, and that’s why I’m here right now, I’m trying to correct that."


Beck gained notoriety in 2013 when he spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper about transitioning to a woman.


"I was used … I was very naive, I was in a really bad way, and I got taken advantage of. I got propagandized. I got used badly by a lot of people who had knowledge way beyond me. They knew what they were doing. I didn’t," he said during the interview.


Beck served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, including on SEAL Team Six. He was deployed 13 times and received more than 50 medals and ribbons for his service.

Anonymous ID: fb2716 Dec. 11, 2022, 1:33 p.m. No.17924827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5014 >>5085 >>5095 >>5244 >>5365

NBC issues correction after reporting White House had choice of 'Griner or Whelan'


NBC News issued a correction to the article that cited a U.S. government official.


NBC News issued a correction after initially reporting that the White House had the choice of freeing either ex-Marine Paul Whelan or WNBA star Brittney Griner in a controversial prisoner swap for convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout.


NBC initially reported after Griner was released Thursday that a U.S. government "official said Russia has treated Whelan differently because he is an accused spy, and that the Kremlin gave the White House the choice of either Griner or Whelan — or none."


The outlet later edited the article to state: "The official said that Russia has treated Whelan differently because he is accused of spying and that the Kremlin ultimately gave the White House the choice of Griner or no one after different options were proposed."

NBC added a correction stating that "an earlier version of this article misstated the choice the Biden administration was given over hostages. It was to swap for Griner or no one, not a choice between Griner or Whelan."

President Joe Biden said last week that "for totally illegitimate reasons, Russia is treating Paul's case different than Britney's" and the administration is still working to secure Paul's release. Biden did not address reports at the time that Griner was traded for former Soviet Army Lt. Col. Viktor Bout, who the Obama Justice Department called "one of the world's most prolific arms dealers."


Conservatives blasted Biden for freeing Griner while Whelan remains in Russian prison, where he has been since 2018 for espionage.

Anonymous ID: fb2716 Dec. 11, 2022, 2:51 p.m. No.17925211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5219 >>5242 >>5244 >>5250 >>5272 >>5370 >>5380 >>5409

Catastrophic Contagion


The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.


The extraordinary group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.


Participants were challenged to make urgent policy decisions with limited information in the face of uncertainty. Each problem and choice had serious health, economic, and social ramifications.

Anonymous ID: fb2716 Dec. 11, 2022, 3:02 p.m. No.17925262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5370 >>5409

MORE FROM KARI LAKE’S LAWSUIT: 25,000 Ballots Added To Maricopa County’s Vote Totals AFTER Election Day


Kari Lake filed a historic lawsuit on Friday to nullify the Stolen 2022 Midterm Election for Governor.


The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake filed her lawsuit against Katie Hobbs and the corrupt Maricopa County elections officials to nullify the election for Governor and approve a full audit of signatures and machine failures.


It was revealed by a Runbeck whistleblower in Lake’s filing that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots did not have any chain of custody documentation.


This is similar to a 2020 election finding that hundreds of thousands of 2020 election ballots also lacked the necessary chain of custody documentation.


The filing also states that 25,000 ballots were added to Maricopa County’s totals after election day.


This could explain why Democratic candidates won over 50% of election day votes despite only recording 17% of the turnout on election day.


This finding is similar to a Maricopa County 2020 election report from Verity Vote that used public records requests to discover that more than 20,000 2020 election ballots were illegally counted.


The Gateway Pundit reported on these illegally counted ballots during the 2020 election investigations.


They used the same illegal tactics as in 2020 to steal this election.


Lake’s filing states, “Maricopa County’s public statements concerning remaining ballots to be counted on November 9, 2022, and November 10, 2022, show an increase of approximately 25,000 votes with no explanation of why the number of remaining ballots could increase.”


Maricopa County announced publicly on November 9 that “275,000 ballots” had been sorted for scanning and signature verification. However, on November 10, this number saw an unexplained increase of close to 25,000 after the legal deadline for accepting ballots had closed. This change was also reflected on the Department of State website.


The Gateway Pundit questioned the same discrepancy on November 11.


Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer said in a press conference on November 10, “we received 292,000 early ballots that were dropped off on election day.”


However, as The Gateway Pundit reported on November 9, Maricopa County tweeted that “~275k” ballots were received on election day, not 292,000.


Getting lots of lag