Anonymous ID: 3b6e4d Dec. 11, 2022, 5:44 p.m. No.17926089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6099 >>6207 >>6217

>>17926053 (lb)


You know what Lord of hosts means, right?


The name “LORD of hosts” occurs some 261 times in the Old Testament Scriptures. God is first called the “LORD of hosts” in 1 Samuel 1:3.


The word LORD, capitalized, refers to Yahweh, the self-existent, redemptive God. The word hosts is a translation of the Hebrew word sabaoth, meaning “armies”—a reference to the angelic armies of heaven. Thus, another way of saying “LORD of hosts” is “God of the armies of heaven.” The NIV translates YHWH saboath as “LORD Almighty.”


This name for God first appears at the close of the period of the judges. In the same sentence as “LORD of hosts” is a reference to Shiloh, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The Ark symbolized Yahweh’s rulership, among other things, for He sits enthroned above the cherubim (1 Samuel 4:4; Psalm 99:1).


Some have suggested that ”LORD of hosts” reaffirms that God is the true Leader of Israel’s armies, in spite of the low spiritual condition of the nation of Israel at the time of the judges.


In 1 Samuel 17:45, as part of his pre-fight verbal sparring with Goliath, David invokes this name of God. In doing so, David was claiming that God is the universal ruler over every force whether in heaven or on earth.


I am in no way being blashphemous when I say Q is God.

Anonymous ID: 3b6e4d Dec. 11, 2022, 6:07 p.m. No.17926216   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I thank God for those things too. I just think I am looking at things from the top down.


God is at the very top and nothing happens that He doesn't want to happen. He chose President Trump, He chose the intelligence officers, and He called all of us that are part of this movement.


All of this is God's plan, and He does have helpers. Some of them realize it and some them don't, but God works everything to His purpose.