Anonymous ID: 48d29b Dec. 11, 2022, 7:57 p.m. No.17926716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7246


>begun to research inertial confinement fusion (fusor) power


Cool beanos! you gave me stuff to research…thanks!


As for the point on distraction / obfuscation, by slightly different means, I agree with you.


I firmly stand in the camp that we have "near" star trek level tech (i.e. TR3B is tip of the iceberg). So, in essence, any kind of hot fusion announcement is controlled propaganda. If it is, then why?


To answer my question I go with simply they can't keep it hidden for much longer, so they are rolling it out slo mo…start with the less exciting and move expeditiously to the exciting. Roll out has to be done in stages for a variety of reasons, primarily though, to "ready" the public.


Thus, I take any anouncement as a positive move.

(call me an annoying optimist).

Anonymous ID: 48d29b Dec. 11, 2022, 9:10 p.m. No.17926961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6980 >>7200 >>7409 >>7431 >>7445 >>7463


I turned down a deal with Russia for a one on one swap of the so-called Merchant of Death for Paul Whelan. I wouldn’t have made the deal for a hundred people in exchange for someone that has killed untold numbers of people with his arms deals. I would have gotten Paul out, however, just as I did with a record number of other hostages. The deal for Griner is crazy and bad. The taking wouldn’t have even happened during my Administration, but if it did, I would have gotten her out , fast!


I haven't seen any analysis on the extra space in the last line, "…her out , fast!"


Any thoughts…?


Best i could come up with is this exchange around #470 about board being comped…. the extra space before a comma comes up 11x, but January 6 is on the clock for Dec 11 (sorry lines are from december 10).


the other thought i had was that the Griner exchange is giving "space" for someone to manoeuver. If this is the case, I take it as giving space to Putin who might be fighting his own Deep State and public perception as the Ukraine conflict wears on….so make a trade that makes Putin look powerful, to keep things moving.




*gonna crash soon, but will check back in teh a.m.