Reason #4, cloning and human-androids are real, allowing for him to be replaced as needed in realtime, over and over.
catturds are vectors of parasites
>Statue de Pan
Still under FED Res usury/slavery, still under UN treaty and global Agenda 2030, etcโฆ
Liking the face off the slave master does not change the slaves' status. Can't vote yourself out of being the property (citizen) of a corporation (country).
tech shutdown would mean grid shutdown, as all and tcomm use tech to deliver.
Densely populated areas would see looting, uncontrollable fires, vigilantism, home invasions, and fiending addicts running amuck.
Psychological effects would be doomy for all non-preppers waiting on aa gov't to save them, even if them come in UN helmets or speaking Chinese. Many would likely think it was Russians or 'domestic violent extremists'
*as all energy delivery
We Will Never Lose. This is Why.
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen
>If anything could ever โbreak the internetโ
the Epstein, Maxwell, and Nygard client lists, with flight logs, video evidence, confessions, witness testimonies, satellite imagery, and financial transactions for ALL involved would do it.
you need a poll to see if ppl who discover they have been euthanized will lash out at the perps of that action?
"anons" don't 'want to know', we know the obvious.
71.2% of the planet has taken at least one jab
per NYT. this is beyond the scope of any control, much less the FBI, once 'knowing' this truth becomes widespread.
no one needs to tell them what to do when they discover they have been murdered and rendered infertile.
advice is to stand clear of the corresponding 'nothing left to lose' mayhem.
War will be the likely move to prevent this simultaneous world-wide rage. then the bodies dropping can be blamed on 'enemies' and bio/nano/emf weapons TBD, or not at all with a grid down.