Saw that too? Conversion error from UTF-8 perhaps?
I don't care. His humor makes me laugh. That's all that matters to me.
The shills were sure baby raging last night for them to turn on their bots. Baby rage. They have it. They have it bad. They can't get us out from under their skin. They have no one to blame but themselves for their plight.
I could use a proto pass to shitpost during a bot attack, BO, as long as you're handing them out. KEK! j/k btw
If it involves beings not of this world, do they have any space pots?
I wonder what the Derp State will do this time when then countdown reaches 1. Last time they raided Mar-a-lago.
The Derp State doesn't have the balls or the teeth to attempt another attack once the countdown reaches 1.
I have a generator and fuel for electricity, wood for heat, seeds for the garden, and a rifle to hunt meat. You're playing chess while I'm playing by my rules.
I fucking dare the FIB or C_A or any other corrupt agency to make a move once the countdown reaches 1. I fucking dare you. You don't have the guts now that your corruption is on full display and noticed by normies.
Please forgive me, POTUS Trump, if I'm doing what I think I'm doing.
Faux is shitting on POTUS Trump right now. Saying DeSantis is leading in polls and POTUS Trump wants the spotlight again, yada yada yada. Same old, same old clown bullshit familiar with his thinking. It'd be a real kick in the nuts for the media if the big announcement is DeSantis is his running mate.
The fire is building inside again. I feel it. This time I'm going to restrain it until the countdown hits 1.
I thought the guy behind CatTurd does podcasts. So, wouldn't he have a voice print match with DTJr?
True. I've never listened to a CatTurd podcast so I can't really say. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him, but I don't think it is. I'd love to be proved wrong though. It's hilarious to me to think that DTJr could be CatTurd.
Now Faux is going on about "long COVID." Like those gaslighting cunts don't know it's vaxx damage, not "long COVID."
Johns Hopkins University mouthpiece. Wasn't that the hospital that was offering to cut the genitals off children?
Yeah, they're a pillar of corruption in the community.
"The flu shot is important. Even if it only has 20% efficacy."
Oh yeah, that's right. All the myocarditis, shingles, Ramsay-Hunt, and all the other negative side effects are because of climate change. Thank The Science!
Illinois is eliminating cash bail on the 1st? May God have mercy on that state for what will happen because of that.
Ahhh, one of the two topics they limit themselves to rears its idiotic head. NPCs, anons. They behave like NPCs, limiting themselves to two topics (K & N) with only a limited number of responses involving ethnic slurs and accusational copypastas. Because NPCs can't think for themselves, they have to follow their script. I can not imagine being that brain dead or even larping being that brain dead.
The worst is the shingles blisters that start appearing under callouses on the palm and fingers. Those fuckers hurt.
Sweet! The week-end diversity hire is on Faux now.
Don't open it.
At first confusion, then concern, then we step in to cool them down. That would be my guess, but I'm a shitposter/memer not a strategist so I'm most likely wrong.
Rosie O' Donnel if verifiable.
Sharon Osbourne in hospital? Hope she's okay.
What's the benefit of owning the NFT when anyone can just screenshot it and have their own copy? Does it have rights of usage in public or something?
Ahhh, makes sense. But let's say someone posts it here, hidden data and all. Wouldn't we have a copy of that data too if we save the pic? Or does the board sanitize images? I don't know. Just curious is all.
Special Agent Pronouns. Now that's TOP KEK!
2nd doctor: "The good thing is the flu vaccine matches well this year."
Doctor half hour earlier: "The flu vaccine is only 20% efficacy."
Blatant bullshit from Faux faggots.
Faux pushing "The New Normal."
Faux faggots faggoting up the airwaves.
17 inmates on death row
The media sure loves that number