17 Dec 2022
Kevin Kiley (blog.electkevinkiley.com)
17 Dec 2022
Kevin Kiley (blog.electkevinkiley.com)
the whitney webb metadata show, Recommended / Click
Forever, it's a mistake.
But The Climate of your coffee depends on how racist you are, please finish the questions and put a 100 dollar bill in the slot.
Putin just dropped a BOMBSHELL on next steps in Ukraine War | Redacted with Clayton Morris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lkXGoaGODM
Bring me a 50MW star reactor or stfu
Lump of coal for State Department who lets commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud get National Security background pass and don't protect us from their evil intent.
modified cells?
Red Ryder won't be a problem
Honestly it's billion dollar transportation failure at the same time they want a fucking high speed rail. We have STONEHENGE and nobody wants this shit.
You did remove the charge freom the Air Bag yes?
A new method to contact people in the future has been discovered.
no that doesn't need sauce.