I just had to visualize this. Now I can sleep.
You're a piece of shit, Kilmud.
Now do the Obama hospital strike, Faux,
I better turn off the stream or I won't get any sleep. The more Faux lies, the harder they will fall. I look forward to it.
Kilmeade is a Nazi sympathizer. Thank you for the proof, fucktard.
I never watched Faux back then. I was asleep. As were many. I never heard him give Zelenskyy such glowing (kek) praise until today. Suck that Azov cock, Kilmuud. Suck it good.
I'll make you eat a turnbuckle, Kilmuud, you fucking glowtard Nazi/Azov sympathizing piece of mouse shit. Every day pressure will increase.
I wanted to sleep, but nooooooooooooooooo, some Faux fucktard had to show what side he's on. His glowing (kek again) praise of Zelenskyy let me know exactly what he thought of the Ukrainian flag being raised in front of the Stars and Stripes in Congress. You regret your words, you smug imbecile.
Your news unlocked something nasty, Kilmuud. Thank you.
Sweet! General JOKE keane makes another appearance on Faux. TwitterFiles have him panicked.
I will live forever anonymously through this board.
Creepy weirdo traitor bitch. I heard that laugh that's as strange as your face. Hot mics are a bitch, like you!
James Cameron's Pocahontas 2: Electric Boogaloo
Real performances. By actors! ACTORS!!! MINDBLOWING!!! WOW!!! Worship at the altar of celebrity.
He's a theater guy. AKA limp wristed.
I just wanted a full night's sleep tonight. Fuck you, Faux. Fuck your lies. Fuck your Nazi sympathizing. Fuck big pharma paying the salaries. Fuck your seditious behavior. FUCK!
Drip drip drip drip drip
Kilmuud has a nice vehicle. Very nice. He should take it to a mechanic.
Kilmuud is familiar with Putin's thinking. Brian too small in that melon.
Tucker tore a strip off him. Kilmudd sucked that Azov cock hard this morning. Glug glug glug.
Eat shit, Shirley. Glug glug glug glug.
Not a jew, still have my foreskin, Azov are little girls.
Little Azov faggots, larping on the battlefield with weaponry too advanced for them, howling at the Russian cock deep dicking their ass.
Of course the military industrial complex mouthpiece GENERAL JOKE wanted Patriot missiles in the Ukraine. TRAITOR!
That includes you, General Joke.
What will you do next month if the money tap to the Ukraine gets cut off, General Joke? What then? Have you thought that far ahead?
WIth squinty eyes. SQUINTY FUCKING EYES!
You don't see shit, you fucking idiot. You are an NPC. You can only respond with variations in one topic. I have no such constraints.
Azov got some of that cheddar so their digital division thinks they're hot shit right now.
They can't help but prove my point. Like running circles around a child.
He's a quarter. Call someone who cares.
Then let it be yours. I never try to hit digits. They just happen. More often than not as of late.
Still going on in your little puddle of a singular topic? Do you like coffee?
Do you take cream and/or sugar in your coffee? I'll bet you have a favorite coffee cup, don't you?
You need a shave, Hegseth. You're lookin' like a scruffy nerf herder.
I think I'll have a comfy sleep now. Enjoy that Russian cock in your ass.
Has Nancy Grace ever apologized for nearly destroying the lives of those innocent Duke Lacrosse players? I can't seem to find anything on a search. That's strange. Surely she apologized. She was great in that capefag movie.
I just want to sleep. I CAN'T! Just one full night without any pots! FUCK!
I told him I'm leaving in six hours and if he doesn't fire that prosecutor then he won't get that billion dollars. Well son-of-a-bitch.
Kilmuud dropping the dumb bombs on his head
What a lovely residence you hang your coat in, Kilmuud. Lovely place. I like the curtains.
6 6 6
I fight for the Republic for $0. Until money is backed by something real, rather than a Rothschild promise, then I have no use for it. This, here, is the only thing that matters.
Did I ever tell you how I got these scars?
Time to work through some tai chi forms, then smoke a pipe. Maybe that will settle these nerves. On edge. Again, like last night. Like when you rub your eyes on a sunny day and everything is brighter when you open your eyes again, but all senses. Except taste. Sounds are sharper. Smells areโฆ smellier.
-5 degrees. Shorts and t-shirt weather. -42 outside with a -53 windchill where I'm at. The cold makes you strong.