What time it is?
hi Frank, wazzup?
this literally hurts my ears and brians.
What the fuck it is this shit???????
Never agian.
fbi must know who you are, so they can put you in jail.
you are a domestic terrorist, just b/c you entered in here.
so you must be punished.
Didn't the republicans won the house?
So why they did not put an end to this?
Oh wait…….
They all are traitors…………
Sorry for asking.
God left me w/ two angels.
I have no money, and Christmas it is coming.
Elon, please help me buy this two angels some presents.
One wants a house, one wants an Audi Q9, and both want vacation for life.
Please, Elon, help a poor soul.
you were already in hell……. if "no one cared".
You fuck………
Fuck w/ the wrong people, see the results.
I need money.
I need to fuck.
I need to sleep.
I want food.
I can leave w/ that.
Wine I'll make it myself.
Stellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa r
Putin send me.
I'm an outsider.
I don't care about israel, sa or Russia, even that I love Putin.
I love leaders that loves their countries.
But listen to this….. what an american thinks of you, Things that I've said to you, many years ago.
Have a listen, at the end: