Richer lied on the stand at least 3-4 times and I’m not even finished with his testimony
I’m watching the first session of Kari Lake trial and questions of Richer, the most evasive, dishonest creature I’ve ever seen.
My understanding of past elections and the audit of 2020, along with statements of poll workers in 2020, there is always a Chain of Custody document is completed at the voting center with the exact number of ballots transferred to MCTEC and in each blue bin, inside is that document has the number of ballots sent. Richer is saying, “no the voting center does not include the numbrr if ballots sent and Mctech then counts them”.
This is ludicrous as chain of custody documentation from voting center is specifically to prevent anyone involved in the transfer, for any bad actor to add or subtract votes in route. In essence Richer is saying there is NO chain of custody between locations, which defeats the whole purpose of chain of custody.
He goes on to say, they are only counted when delivered to MCTech and then sent to Runbeck with the accurate count, only for Runbeck to recount them. We all remember the chain of custody papers in the audit, which the auditors found they were totally fucked up, duplicate forms and add ballots.
There is an AZ state law that explicitly states the process of chain of custody which starts at the voting center counting the voted with a form with the contents of the box.(Truthfully these assholes educated all anons on voting procedures for 3 years)
Richer got caught in this lie by a witness on the stand today.
It’s simply amazingly convenientthat NONE of these criminals have a memory of what they said or did. Similar to everyone in Russiagate, HRC. FBi, Fauci and numerous criminals.
But Richer’s problem is he isn’t that smart and has a bad attitude and it comes across as the most incompetent County Recorder ever!