Document Type:
General CIA Records
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Document Creation Date:
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 27, 2003
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Publication Date:
April 5, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010003-1.pdf 1.32 MB
' mOra UNITED. STAT GOVERNMENT Din-yntor of Central Intelligence FROM chief, Inspection and Security Staff SUBJECT: Project Bluebird DATE: APR 5 1950 There is subnitted for your approval and authorization for allocation of funds Project Bluebird. in view of the extreme sensitivity of this project and its covert nature, it -t_s deemed advisable to submit this project directly to you., rather than ftrou ;h the channel of the Projects Review Committee. Knowled>e of this project should be restricted to the absolute minimum nwaber of pe rso 11s . This project is now extremely important because of the expressions of interest in this type of a program develooing in various areas of the Agency. It is most import-ant that Vnese varied interests,be brought into a single project where appropriate controls can be exercised. This will avoid corroromise of our techniques and interest in this field', It is requested that this project be approved and authorization granted for the necessary- funds as set forth in the attachment. 25X1 nel, GSC 25X1 Concurrences: See attached memorandum of concurrence) ~~OPC Chief, Inspection and Security Staff Vaasa ao a ep }^ — -~ - ~T~ Jfa 3COf-TF r ^G?r'-,-, (i16 1QNOO ^; 'a 3IY:f I~FOU.r's 0511 c/~ . ,-V7J 25X1 7-00 LtIN {i t.S ADD sR~ Nic, Gssc to Ur CSt4TF,,h1 oIb E aaroved For Release3 a : Approved FortReleaj 183-01042IOd080010003-1 Type - Operational Support 1. Pueferences. 1 eeting of representatives of ADOSO, ADOPC, ADOSI, and Chief, I&SS, on 14 March., where =:3.g;reement was reached on the following proposal. 2. The purpose of this project is to provide for the immediate establishment of interrogation teams for the operational support of OSO and UPC activities. The teams 1^rL utilize the polygraph, drugs, and hypnotism to attain the greatest results in interrogation techniques. It is important that this project be es- tablished inasmuch. as a considerable public and government interest has recently developed in he use of hypnotis:ra for interrogation and for o ersonality control purposes. This interest steiais from the recent spy trials in Hungary and other satellite countries. 1,1ithin a number of areas of CIA there has developed con- siderable interest in the field of hypnotism and one of the basic purposes of this prograr- i.s to bring all such interests within the purview and control of a single prow e et. It is extremely important that any action by CIA in these fields be restricted to the icnolvrledge of a minimum number of persons on a Top Secret basis to prevent compromise and unfavorable repercussions. ………
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c_a belike, blah blah blah
but must acknowledge the existence