take a clown shit somewhere else faggot. clowns don't tell people they're clowns - they get caught being clowns. he was art of war'ing your dumbass. when you are clown act clown - when you are clown… act clown. gg get fukt gl next time
absolutely go fuck yourself
>Matrix is a Latin word for a woman's womb. It is a 7000 year old word that came from a king James bible
listen to sophia's words only a woman could have written a love story so epic. all the front people for movies like the wachachas don't do shit it's all the production staff and writers prove me wrong. the only scene the wachachas wrote was in reloaded when neo and trinity bowchicawowow and everyone starts dancing around in the caves all sexually speaking - truly weird part of the movie tbh.
she sounds so convincing and smart actually i would hire her to sell things. people get taken advantage of all the time though have you ever had a job?
it's the artist fucking with me not my brian cuz he a dickhead but at least clever. did the egg make itself?
it looks like they're just eating food u dumbass there is clearly no creepy vibe about it like with actual pizzagate stuff. if u don't pick up weird vibe shit u might be the weird vibe.
>owen benjamin
batshit crazy alcoholic ex-pedowood employee. also where is source video of the abuse to examine.
literally wat
first time saying that - i don't repeat myself often u dumbass u dumbass
sauce of original video not a video of owen watching the video. also where is the woman. have any woman come forward against tate in the past or recently and for what?
that's literally what's relevant u dumbass just who is telling truth and who is telling lies.
>the world's most banned comedian
gee i wonder why it's one thing being anon but owen makes money saying edgy shit confidently IRL - not that hard to be a dickhead for a living
the world's most chosen banned comedian so u know he is the one that speaks the most truth for sure
i'm always thermonuclear in potency babe. stabilized it.