Guarantee they fucking will if the people demand a change in government. They will put down any genuine attempt at revolution. They serve the bankers nothing more,
Berkeley philosophy is exactly that. We are all in the mind of god,
People need to kill these people there is other fucking way.
This part was always about nothing happening. It’s so fookin obvious at this point.
My sister told me this story about what happened. She said when she goes hiking in the mountains they were heading back and she was sure they were supposed to turn at this spot. The rest of the group disagreed with her, and she went with them. She said. I would rather get lost with the group than be right on my own.
My buddy? I don’t give fuck if he’s guilty he’s guilty. I’m pretty sure he is he made like 200 million pimping whores so I don’t think you get that rich just webcamming. He did some shit. I m talking about that husband towards his ex wife. She needs to be removed if she’s gonna castrate your son take care business faggots.
Can we advocate for any real world political action or is everything just the neuter genuine real world dissent.
Money and monopolies and conflicts of interest and enforcing the law. That’s basically everything that government should be doing. So the government isn’t legitimate. They know it.
Who is this Owen Benjamin guy he’s speaking my language.