Anonymous ID: 014a79 June 19, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.1811256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1275

LP / PS text messages are damning and I'm tempted to think they weren't that stupid to say such inflammatory things on devices they knew could be revealed. And weren't some of them made after Pres DJT election increasing the probability they'd be found out?


Q said no deals for traitors.

<<1793707 says "LP released after….."

(and the next line) "PS will be released after….."

Is it possible these two are Patriots who said what they did and knowingly sacrificed themselves to either garner interest or create a legal avenue to expose Andy McCabe Loretta Lynch James Comey or someone bigger?

Not endorsing this theory but I haven't seen another anon post it for our consideration.

Something just doesn't add up with these two.

Page and Strzok were not like Bruce and Nellie Ohr, they're still employed and in the news and afaik they were less culpable than the Ohrs. Nellie got a HAM license in order to obfuscate her comm's and was a Russian academic and the pair were heavily involved in the creation of the Russian dossier.

Nellie knew to cover her comm's why didn't Page and Strzok? They didn't know any better?

Is it bc Nellie's a Russian expert and naturally suspicious of spying or is it bc she was committing treason or sedition with a foreign govt and LP & PS were just dumbasses who hated DJT and were writing checks their asses couldn't actually cash other than slow walking an investigation into HRC and promoting the DJT Russia investigation. Absolutely illegal but was it more likely just bias and corrupt maybe 1st amendment legal than treasonous like the Ohr's?

Haven't hear anything about the Ohrs lately, does anyanon know what happened to them?

Apologize for sliding my own post - to recap could LP and PS be in on the plan?