Anons read this full article it raises very interesting questions regarding Prince, I have no doubt in mind this guy is a central player in this dangerous game.
Anons read this full article it raises very interesting questions regarding Prince, I have no doubt in mind this guy is a central player in this dangerous game.
Correct, we need to stop jumping to conclusions.
Also I want you to read this and tell me what you think.
Read these if you haven't already.
This too
Right on, unless we can get at the very least circumstantial evidence that it will probably be a waste of time. In reality the third person could be any number of people even Huma Abedin.
I'd rather this then a manufactured mass shooting.
His sister is Betsy DeVos, I have no doubt he is white hat but like I said he plays a very big part in this game.
Don't grasp at straws anon, when we find something we always know it.
The fact he's investigating Manafort who is a plant and that investigation is linked to Ukraine, Fusion gps, Podesta Group, and so many other bad actors tells me he is our guy.