Gearóid Ó Colmáin is an Irish journalist and political analyst based in Paris.
"I visited Iran last week for the Sixth International New Horizons Conference in the religious city of Mashad. The New Horizons conference is organised by an Iranian NGO and invites writers and intellectuals from all over the world to debate and discuss problems in international relations. This year’s conference focused on the recent US embassy move to Jerusalem.
I wrote a paper for the conference book entitled ‘The Noahide Laws: Bedrock for a Planetary State called Israel’ arguing that many Jewish rabbis and influential oligarchs wish to see Jerusalem as the capital of a world government which would have one set of laws for Jews and another for gentiles. I described how the legal mechanisms of Jewish-dominated global governance are already being implemented at UN level, unbeknownst to most of the world’s population. Globalisation is as much a matter of a certain religious fanaticism as it is of monopoly capitalism – a fact dialectical materialists cannot and will not ever comprehend.
The problem is far more complex.
According to French oligarch Jacques Attali, the project of moving the Israeli capital to Jerusalem is part of the attempt to make the city the capital of a future world government in preparation for the return of the Jewish Messiah. Attali also believes non Jews are subhuman; it’s a common Talmudic belief. Christians should not lose sight of the fact that Jerusalem is our sacred city too.
The New World Order is the future triumph of evil on this earth. It is the dream of those who say they are Jews and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan’. (Revelation 3.9).
The Western mind is an Israeli-occupied territory. We are are living under Jewish occupation. But in these dark, end times, a new horizon has opened in Persia where imams are calling for the return of Christ and an end to the global, Satanic propaganda machine, an end once and for all to the occupation."